
The browser contains 10 records per page. Use the pager at the bottom of the page to navigate to additional pages
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  1. Composer: S.D.V. Swing BandStrike Vilakazi (composer) | 0000-00-00 | Band, Jive, S.D.V. Swing Band, Vilakazi,Strike D., Ballantine | African Jive Band
  2. Composer: The Elite SwngstersW Manci (composer) | 0000-00-00 | Band, Elite Swngsters, Manci,W., South Africa, Ballantine | Band
  3. Composer: Kid Moncho And His Hot Beat KingsK Moncho (Composer) | 0000-00-00 | Band, Hot Beat Kings, Jive, Kid Moncho, Ballantine | Band Jive
  4. Composer: N.N.C. Zulu Dance Band | 0000-00-00 | Band, concertina, N.N.C. Zulu Dance Band, Zulu, Ballantine | Zulu Concertina Band
  5. Composer: Elite SwingstersJ Bangazi (composer) | 0000-00-00 | Band, Bangazi,J., Elite Swingsters, South Africa, Ballantine | Band
  6. Composer: Elite SwingstersA Ralumini (composer) | 0000-00-00 | Band, Elite Swingsters, Ralumini,A., South Africa, Ballantine | Band
  7. Composer: The Elite Swingsters | 0000-00-00 | Band, Elite Swingsters, Ballantine | Band
  8. Composer: Jazz TwoBob Lesia (Composer) | 2007/06/22 | Band, Jazz Two, Jive, Lesia,Bob, Ballantine | Gramophone Record Co LTD (Sole Dist); Made In South AfricaJive Band
  9. Composer: Zonk Jazz BandKing Jury (Composer) | 2007/06/22 | Band, Jive, King Jury, Zonk Jazz Band, Ballantine | Gramophone Record Co LTD (Sole Dist); Made In South AfricaJive Band
  10. Composer: N.N.C. Zulu Dance Band | 0000-00-00 | Band, concertina, N.N.C. Zulu Dance Band, Zulu, Ballantine | Zulu Concertina Band


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