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  1. Composer: Kenga Mayele (Performer) | Clapping, Dance music, East African, Folk music, Giryama, Indigenous music, Kayamba, Kenya, Malindi, Mayele,Kenga, Nika, Rattle, ILAM | Folk music - Msego dance song for men and women with Giryama men, accompanied with Kayamba raft rattles and clapping.Further details refer ILAM field card (D7Q5)
  2. Composer: Kenga Mayele (Performer) | Clapping, Dance music, East African, Folk music, Giryama, Indigenous music, Kenya, Malindi, Mayele,Kenga, Nika, ILAM | Folk music - Msego dance song for men and women with Giryama men and with clapping.Further details refer ILAM field card (D7Q6)
  3. Composer: Jaji Simba (Performer) | Dance music, East African, Folk music, Giryama, Indigenous music, Jaji Simba, Kalifi, Kayamba, Kenya, Nika, Rattle, ILAM | Folk music - Msego dance song for men and women with Giryama men, accompanied with Kayamba raft rattles.Further details refer ILAM field card (D7Q1)
  4. Composer: Jaji Simba (Performer) | Dance music, East African, Folk music, Giryama, Indigenous music, Jaji Simba, Kalifi, Kayamba, Kenya, Nika, Rattle, ILAM | Folk music - Msego dance song for men and women with Giryama men, accompanied with Kayamba raft rattles.Further details refer ILAM field card (D7Q2)
  5. Composer: Paul Machupa(Composer)Machupa, P.(Composer)Rythm Experts Band (Performer) | Band music, Dance music, Drum, East African, Guitar, Kenya, Love song, Machupa,P., Mombasa, Paul Machupa, Rhythm Experts Band, Saxophone, Swahili, ILAM | Band music - Love song by small dance band orchestra.Further details refer ILAM field card (D7P2)
  6. Composer: Silasi, J. (Composer)Joseph Silasi (Composer)Rythm Experts Band (Performer) | Band music, Dance music, Double Bass, East African, Guitar, Kenya, Love song, Mandoline, Mombasa, Rhythm Experts Band, Silasi,Joseph, Swahili, ILAM | Band music - Love song by small dance band orchestra.Further details refer ILAM field card (D7P3 and D7R3)
  7. Composer: Mwikuru Kija (Performer) | Dance music, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Maswa, Mwikuru Kija, Nyamwezi, Sukuma, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Folk music - Wigasha dance song for men and women with Sukuma men.Further details refer ILAM field card (D4H3)
  8. Artist(s): Ginyama men (Accompaniment) | Composer: Chandaruwa Waya (Performer) | Chandaruwa Waya, East African, Ginyama, Giryama, Gourd horn, Kayamba raft rattle, Kenya, Malindi, Nika, ILAM | Msengo mourning dance song
  9. Composer: Ngaina NoloMtonya Bota | East African, Gogo, Ilimba mbira, lowest tones, Mtonya Bota, Ngaina Nolo, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, topical, ILAM | Topical song accompanied by the Ilimba mbira, which has the lowest tones of any mbiraRefer ILAM field card D2X9
  10. Composer: NyakwelaGogo men and women | bells, East African, Gogo, Gogo, hourglass Drum, Nyakwela, Rattle, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, topical, Zither, ILAM | Topical song accompanied by 3 Malimba zithers, Ndwala bells, 2 hourglass drums and flat tin rattlesRefer ILAM field card D2X5
