Chris Ballantine Collection
Christopher Ballantine BMus (Hons) (Witwatersrand), MLitt (Cantab), DMus (Cape Town), The L. G. Joel Professor of Music, Professor Emeritus and Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal
Jurgen Brauninger Collection
Jürgen Bräuninger's collection contains mainly recordings of workers cultural groups and neo-traditional praise poets of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some are studio productions, others were recorded live at various COSATU and other events (e.g. May-Day celebrations and political rallies) under the auspices of the Culture and Working Life Project. Jürgen Bräuninger is an Associate Professor of Music at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Hidden Years Music Archive Project (HYMAP)
The HYMAP collection is the result of one man's dedication to the music industry, namely David Marks. The HYMAP project's mission is develop a network with South African collectors to gather, preserve, and make accessible South African indigenous music, for research, teaching and learning. This site currently contains a small fraction of the HYMAP project's archive.
International Library of African Music (ILAM)
SAMAP's ILAM collection consists of a substantial portion of 30 second sound clips and metadata files catalogued and digitized from the early acetate and vinyl recordings produced by Hugh Tracey in the 1940s and 1950s, which are housed in the ILAM archive.
External link: ILAM(link is external)
UKZN Music Library (UKZN)
The University of KwaZulu-Natal's Music Library has a number of valuable historical recordings. These have been digitised and have been made available for research here.