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  1. Artist(s): Ben Segal (Revox)Dave Davis (Vocals)Herbie Parkin (Bass)Julian Platt (Drums)Jonathan Handley (Vocals , Guitar) | Composer: Mike Dickman Featuring Roger Lucey | Davis, Dave, Dickman, Mike, Handley, Jonathan, Lucey, Roger, Parkin, Herbie, Platt, Julian, Segal, Ben, HYMAP
  2. Artist(s): David Marks (Live Sound)Piet Botha (Bassist)Dino Salvatori (Vox)Doc Barendse (Guitar)Gaby Le Roux (Keyboards)Derek Riley (Drums) | Composer: Raven | Barendse, Doc, Botha, Piet, Le Roux, Gaby, Marks, David, Raven, Riley, Derek, Salvatori, Dino, HYMAP
  3. Artist(s): Russell Herman (Electric Guitar and Vox), Mervyn Africa (Keyboards and Vibes), Sipho Gumede (Bass), Gilbert Mathews (Drums), Duke Makasi (Tenor and Soprano Saxes), George Tyefumani (Trumpet), Temba Mehlomakulu (Trumpet and Trombone), David Marks (Engineer) | Composer: Spirits Rejoice | Africa, Mervyn, Gumede, Sipho, Herman, Russell, Makasi, Duke, Marks, David, Mathews, Gilbert, Mehlomakulu, Temba, Spirits Rejoice, Tyefumani, George, HYMAP
  4. Artist(s): David Marks (Engineer)Duke Makasi (Tenor and Soprano Saxes)Mervyn Africa (Keyboards and Vibes)George Tyefumani (Trumpet)Temba Mehlomakulu (Trumpet and Trombone)Sipho Gumede (Bass)Russell Herman (Electric Guitar and Vox) | Composer: Spirits Rejoice | Africa, Mervyn, Gumede, Sipho, Herman, Russell, Makasi, Duke, Marks, David, Mehlomakulu, Temba, Spirits Rejoice, Tyefumani, George, HYMAP
