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  1. Artist(s): Nyanja soldiers (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedWilsonMunthale (Performer) | Malawi, Marching song, Munthale, Nyanja, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Soldier's song, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Wilson, ILAM | Translated English title - "We are soldiers." Further information refer ILAM field card number: C4G-6
  2. Artist(s): Kunda men, women and girls (Performer) | Composer: Dabi Njovu (Performer)Composer not specified | Dabi Njovu, Dance song, Drum, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kunda, Kunda, Mulaundo, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Southern African, Wedding song, Zambia, ILAM | Mulaundo dance music. Translated English title - "When I was at Chipoza I used to eat beans." Further information refer ILAM field card number: C4I-3
  3. Artist(s): Tumbuka men and women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedWilliam Gondwe (Performer) | Clapping, Drinking song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kamanga, Malawi, Nyasaland, Southern African, Tumbuka, Tumbuka, William Gondwe, ILAM | Further information refer ILAM field card number: C3X-17
  4. Composer: Phini, N.J. (Composer/Performer)Ngwata, N.Z. (Composer/Performer) | Henga, Kasungu, Malawi, Ngwata,N.Z., Nyasaland, Phiri,N.J., Sketch, Southern African, Tumbuka, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Sketch, unaccompanied. Further details refer ILAM field card (DY16)
  5. Artist(s): Lozi men and women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedGoodwin Lewanika (Performer) | Dance song, Folk music, Goodwin Lewanika, Hunting song, Indigenous music, Lozi, Lozi, Manyanga, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM | Manyanga dance music. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C3X-12
  6. Artist(s): Lozi men and women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedMuyunda Maboshe (Performer) | Dance song, Divining song, Folk music, Herbalist song, Indigenous music, Lozi, Lozi, Maba, Muyunda Maboshe, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Maba dance music. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C3X-13
  7. Artist(s): Luvale men and women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedLuvulu Kapango (Performer) | Bemba, Dance song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kacaca, Luvale, Luvale, Luvulu Kapango, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM | Kacaca dance music. Translated English title - "The chief's headgear has been stolen." Further information refer ILAM field card number: C43Z-27
  8. Artist(s): Bemba women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedMulenga, L. (Performer) | Bemba, Bemba, Folk music, Indigenous music, Luvale, Mulenga,L., Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Tin, Wedding song, Zambia, ILAM | Translated English title - "Let us pick it up." Accompanied by beating of two tins. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C3Z-3
  9. Artist(s): Lunda men and women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedMuntanga, J. (Performer)Jim Muntanga (Performer) | Folk music, Indigenous music, Lunda, Lunda, Muntanga,Jim, Ndembo, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Topical song, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM | Further information refer ILAM field card number: C3Z-6
  10. Artist(s): Lunda men and women (Performer) | Composer: Composer not specifiedMuntanga, J. (Performer)Jim Muntanga (Performer) | Dance song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Inkanga, Lunda, Lunda, Muntanga,Jim, Ndembo, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM | Inkanga dance music. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C3Z-7
