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  1. Composer: Hazel Futa And Thandi KlaasensH Futa (Composer) | Futa,Hazel, Klaasen,Thandi, Sketch, Xhosa, Ballantine | Xhosa Sketch
  2. Composer: Hazel Futa And Thandi KlaasensH Futa (Composer) | Futa,Hazel, Klaasen,Thandi, Sketch, Xhosa, Ballantine | Xhosa Sketch
  3. Composer: The Globe TrottersDouglas Xaba (Composer) | Globe Trotters, Vocal, Xaba,Douglas, Xhosa, Ballantine | Xhosa Vocal
  4. Composer: N.N.C. Zulu Dance Band | Band, concertina, N.N.C. Zulu Dance Band, Zulu, Ballantine | Zulu Concertina Band
  5. Composer: Ben (Satch) Masinga And His Girl Friends | Girl Friends, Jive, Masinga,Ben (Satch), Vocal, Ballantine | Vocal Jive
  6. Composer: Sam NgidiSam Ngidi (composer) | Dance, Ngidi,Sam, Violin, Ballantine | Violin dance
  7. Composer: Sam NgidiStrike Vilakazi (composer) | Dance, Ngidi,Sam, Vilakazi,Strike D., Violin, Ballantine | Violin dance
  8. Composer: The Party Singers P. Makitla (composer) | Makitla,P., Party Singers, Vocal, Ballantine | Vocal
