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  1. Artist(s): Dick Reucassel (recording engineer)Michael Mayer (narrator)Hugh Rouse (script and direction)Tony Pooley (recording engineer)Willem Smallengange (sound engineer) | Composer: Tony Pooley (recording engineer)Dick Reucassel (recording engineer) | 1967-00-00 | Animal Calls and Sounds, Animal sounds, Bushveld Transvaal Kruger National Park, HYMAP | Animal sounds recorded live in the Bushveld South Africa
  2. Artist(s): Dick Reucassel (recording engineer)Michael Mayer (narrator)Hugh Rouse (script and direction)Tony Pooley (recording engineer)Willem Smallengange (sound engineer) | Composer: Tony Pooley (recording engineer)Dick Reucassel (recording engineer) | 1967-00-00 | Animal Calls and Sounds, Bird sounds, Bushveld Transvaal Kruger National Park, HYMAP | Animal sounds recorded live in the Bushveld South Africa
  3. Artist(s): Dick Reucassel (recording engineer)Michael Mayer (narrator)Hugh Rouse (script and direction)Tony Pooley (recording engineer)Willem Smallengange (sound engineer) | Composer: Tony Pooley (recording engineer), Dick Reucassel (recording engineer) | 1967-00-00 | Animal Calls and Sounds, Bird sounds, Bushveld Transvaal Kruger National Park, HYMAP | Animal sounds recorded live in the Bushveld South Africa
  4. Artist(s): Dick Reucassel (recording engineer)Michael Mayer (narrator)Hugh Rouse (script and direction)Tony Pooley (recording engineer)Willem Smallengange (sound engineer) | Composer: Tony Pooley (recording engineer) Dick Reucassel (recording engineer) | 1967-00-00 | Animal Calls and Sounds, Bird sounds, Bushveld Transvaal Kruger National Park, HYMAP | Animal sounds recorded live in the Bushveld South Africa
  5. Artist(s): Assie Williams (Vocalist), Jo Dubbing (Vocalist),Boran (Percussion),David Williams (Guitar),Barrie Glen (Guitar),Dave Lambert (Violin),Denny Laloutte (Bass),David Marks (Engineer) | Composer: Fliberttigbbet | 0000-00-00 | Boran, Dubbing, Jo, Fliberttigbbet, Glen, Barrie, Laloutte, Denny, Lambert, Dave, Marks, David, Williams, Assie, Williams, David, HYMAP


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