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  1. Composer: Kazembe group of men and women (Performer) | 1949/07/19 | Indigenous music, Kawambwa, Kazembe, Lusembe, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Wedding song, Zambia, ILAM | Indigenous folk song to be sung on royal occasionsFurther details refer ILAM field card (C3G9)
  2. Composer: Charondet Arap Ng'asuraKipsigi men | 1950/09/15 | Dance song, East African, Kenya, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Lyre, men, Ng'asura,Charondet Arap, ILAM | Katuiyo dance song for men and women, accompanied by the 6 string, pentatonic, Chepkongo bowl lyre. Refer ILAM field card D6L18
  3. Artist(s): Kipsigis men and girls | Composer: Kipterer Arap Kenick (Performer) | 1950/09/15 | Dance song, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kenik,Kipterer Arap, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, ILAM | Katuiyo dance song for men and women. Further details refer ILAM field card no. D6L8.
  4. Artist(s): Kipsigis men (Performer) | Composer: Charondet Arap Ng'asura (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/09/15 | Chepkongo bowl lyre, Dance song, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Katuiyo dance, Kenya, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Charondet Arap, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6L 18
  5. Composer: Charondet Arap Ng'asura (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/09/15 | Bowl lyre, Chepkongo bowl lyre, Dance song, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Katuiyo dance, Kenya, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Charondet Arap, Vocal, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6L 18
  6. Composer: Charondet Arap Ng'asura (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/09/15 | Bowl lyre, Chepkongo bowl lyre, Dance song, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Katuiyo dance, Kenya, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Charondet Arap, Vocal, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6L 18
  7. Artist(s): Kipsigis men (Performer) | Composer: Charondet Arap Ng'asura (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/09/15 | Bowl lyre, Chepkongo bowl lyre, Dance song, East African, Indigenous music, Katuiyo dance, Kenya, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Charondet Arap, Vocal, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6L 18
  8. Artist(s): Ganda xylophone players (Performer) | Composer: Ntamivu za Kabaka (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/06/26 | Drum, East African, Folk music, Ganda, Ganda, Indigenous music, Instrumental, Kampala, Madinda xylophone, Ntamivu za Kabaka, Uganda, ILAM | Translated English title - "Let us enjoy the money we have earned." Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3Q 4
  9. Composer: Uladi Kachoka (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | East African, Indigenous music, Kachoka,Uladi, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Rattle, Vocal, Yao, Zambia, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR3567.
  10. Artist(s): Bisa men | Composer: Danti Matabulo (Performer) | 1949/08/08 | Bisa, Bisa, Danti Matabulo, Folk song, Nkana, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Drinking song


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