Central African

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  1. Composer: Luunda men and women | 1949/07/19 | Central African, dance, Drum, Luunda, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Wakubasha, Zambia, ILAM | Dance song for Wakubasha dance, accompanied by 3 drumsRefer ILAM field card C3G5
  2. Artist(s): Lower Gwelo Choir (Performer) | Composer: Frasier Mpofu (Composer)Lower Gwelo Choir (Performer) | 1950/05/06 | Central African, East African, Fraser Mpofu, Guitar, Lower Gwelo Choir, Ndebele, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM | Topical. "Money for the concert". Further details refer to ILAM field card DH11
  3. Composer: Safare Dewu (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/07/27 | Balendu, Bonguma harp, Central African, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djugu, Eastern Congo, Folk music, Indigenous music, Northern Congo, Republic of the Congo, Safare Dewu, Topical song, ILAM | Translated English title - "I am afraid of being beaten." Further details refer ILAM field card number: F4C 3
  4. Artist(s): Tutsi people (Performer) | Composer: Rugagaza (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/07/15 | Central African, East African, Folklore, Indigenous language, Narrative, Recitation, Rugagaza, Rwanda, Rwanda, Shangugu, Sketch, Tutsi, Unaccompanied, Urundi, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3V 8
  5. Artist(s): Tutsi people (Performer) | Composer: Rugagaza (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/07/15 | Central African, East African, Indigenous language, Narrative, Recitation, Rugagaza, Rwanda, Rwanda, Shangugu, Sketch, Tutsi, Unaccompanied, Urundi, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3V 9
  6. Composer: Mayogo men (Performer)Chief Anga (Leader)Composer not specified | 1952/08/05 | Basket rattle, Belgian Congo, Central African, Chief Anga, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kekese, Mayogo, Mayogo Mabozo, Topical song, Yogo, ILAM | Further information refer ILAM field card number F4H-9.
  7. Composer: Makondera Horn Band of the Mwami of Ruanda (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/07/04 | Central African, Dance tune, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kitega, Makondera gourd horn, Makondera Horn Band, Mwami, Ntore dance, Nyanza, Ruanda, Ruanda, Rwanda, Urundi, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3T 5
  8. 1950-00-00 | banjo, Central African, dance, Males singing, Mandoline, Nyoro, Popular, Song, topical, Triple time, Uganda, ILAM | Topical dance song in triple time, performed by men who are accompanied by the banjo and mandoline. ILAM field card number is unknown
  9. Composer: Leonard Ndengabaganizi (Performer)Michel Rwagasana (Performer)Donatien Ewagirumukiza (Performer)Abbe Alfred Sebakiga (Composer) | 1952/07/08 | Catholic chant, Central African, Donatien,Ewagirumukiza, East African, Ndengabaganzi,Leonard, Nyanza, Religious music, Ruanda, Rwagasana,Michel, Rwanda, Sebakiga,Abbe Alfred, Unaccompanied, Urundi, ILAM | Translated English title - "Good news." Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3U 4
  10. Composer: Batwa musicians of Chief Kamuzini (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/07/20 | Batwa, Central African, Chief Kamuzini, Dance song, Drum, East African, Folk music, Imihamilizo dance, Indigenous music, Intore dancers, Makondera horn, Ruanda, Rugerero, Rwanda, Urundi, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3Y 2


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