East African

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  1. Composer: Daudi Otuoma (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | bells, Daudi Otuoma, East African, Indigenous music, Kenda Bay, Kenya, Luo, Thum lyre, Topical song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number: CR2239.
  2. Composer: Composer not specifiedOgala Olallo (Performer) | 1900-01-00 | East African, Guitar, Indigenous music, Kenya, Luo, Ogala Olallo, Song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number TP0457-ABC12235
  3. Artist(s): Luo men (Performer) | Composer: Osito Adie (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/09/13 | Dho Luo, Drinking song, East African, Folk music, Gara leg bells, Indigenous music, Kenya, Kisii, Luo, Luo, Nyanza, Osito Adie, Wend Kong drinking song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6J-11
  4. Artist(s): Luo men (Performer) | Composer: Osito Adil (Performer) | 1950/09/13 | bell, Dho Luo, Drinking song, East African, Folk music, Gara, Indigenous music, Kenya, Leg bell, Luo, Luo, Nyanza, Osito Adie, Wend-kong, ILAM | Wend kong drinking song with Gara leg bells. Further details refer ILAM field card (D6J10)
  5. Artist(s): Luo men | Composer: Osito Adil (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | bells, East African, Indigenous music, Kenda Bay, Kenya, Luo, Luo, Osito Adie, Wend Kong drinking song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number: CR2292.
  6. Artist(s): Ishmael Owiti (Performer) | Composer: Ishmael Owiti (Composer) | 1952/06/01 | Central African, East African, Guitar, Ishmael Owiti, Kenya, Luo, Mombasa, Praise song, ILAM | Praise song. Further details refer to ILAM field card F3F
  7. Artist(s): Abdala Ibrahimu (Leader) | Composer: Chipukizi Rumba (Performer) | 1950/07/28 | banjo, Chipukizi Rumba, Dance music, Dance song, Drum, East African, Flute, Ibrahim,Abdala, Kazoo, Mandoline, Mwanza, Rumba, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Whistle, ILAM | Swahili rumba with varied accompaniment. Composer unknown. Translated English title - "Clay for cleaning pipes." Further details refer ILAM field card (D4L4).
  8. Artist(s): Leader Abdala Ibrahim (Composer/Performer) | Composer: Leader Abdala Ibrahim (Composer/Performer) | 1950-00-00 | Aerophone, banjo, Buzzing timbre, Chipukizi, Conical Drum, dance, East African, Flute band, Guitar, Ibrahim,Abdala, Instrumental introduction, Kazoo, Popular, singing, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Chipukizi rumba performed on guitar and wind instruments. The song is accompanied by the buzzing sounds of the kazoo whistle and singing. ILAM field card number is unknown
  9. Artist(s): Jita men (Performer) | Composer: Nyamuula Mtani (Performer)Composer not spegified | 1950-00-00 | Cheche lute, Dance song, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Jita, Jita, Kwaya, Lute, Mtani,Nyamuula, Musoma, Ndongo dance, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP1664
  10. Artist(s): Jila men | Composer: Nyamuula Mtani (Performer) | 1950/07/23 | 1-string lute, East African, Jila, Jila, Kwaya, Lute, Mtani,Nyamuula, Shinyanga, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Ndongo dance song


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