East African

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  1. Artist(s): Nasuti Social Club (Performer) | Composer: S. Mondo (Performer and Composer) | 1950/09/02 | 8 String Lyre, East African, Kigulu County, Mondo,S., Nasuti Social Club, Soga, Topical song, Uganda, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card no. D5Y15.
  2. Composer: S. Mondo (Performer and Composer) | 1950-00-00 | Central African, East African, Mondo,S., Ntongoli string lyre, Soga, Topical song, Uganda, ILAM | Topical Song. Further details refer ILAM record field card number XYZ5400
  3. Artist(s): S Mondo (Performer)Nasuti Social Club (Performer) | Composer: S MondoNasuti Social Clu | 1950/09/02 | Central African, Disease, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Leprosy, Mondo,S., Mournful, Nasuti Social Club, Ntongoli eight string lyre, Soga, Song, topical, Traditional music, Uganda, ILAM | Topical song accompanied by the Ntongoli eight string lyre. Further details refer ILAM field card number D5Y15
  4. Composer: Edward Seruwagi (Performer)Edward Seruwagi (Composer) - Lyrics) | 1952/06/18 | Bottle, East African, Edward Seruwagi, Fox-trot, Ganda, Indigenous music, Kawempe, Mandolin, Rattle, Topical song, Uganda, ILAM | Translated English title - "Beautiful eyes." Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3L 5
  5. Composer: Edward Seruwagi (Composer/Performer) | 1952/06/18 | Bottle, East African, Edward Seruwagi, Ganda, Guitar, Mandoline, Rattle, Uganda, ILAM | Topical song. "Beautiful eyes". Further details refer to ILAM card no. F3L5
  6. Artist(s): Arusha men and women | Composer: Baiyani Medureki (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952-00-00 | Arusha, Arusha, Arusha Baraza, Arusha District, East African, Indigenous music, Masai, Medureki,Baiyani, Osingolio dance song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Osingolio Londoiya - dance song for men and women. "Sing the chorus, you young men and women. For we are the brave of the country." While the girls sing the words of the chorus, the men sing the typical humming sounds in unison. A delightfully intricate song and not at all easy to follow on first hearing.
  7. 1960-08-00 | Arusha, Dance music, East African, Eruro, Masai, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record no. AC1327
  8. Composer: Damballa Wedo Singers (Performer)Composer not specified | 1960-00-00 | Damballa Wedo Singers, Drum, East African, Indigenous music, Rattle, Vocal, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR3732.
  9. Composer: Composer not specifiedOroclos Ombiza - Charles (Performer) | 1900-01-00 | Bottle, East African, Guitar, Indigenous music, Ombiza,Charles, Oroclos, Song, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number TP0510-ABC12488
  10. Artist(s): Lomwe men (Performer) | Composer: Makimilani Mpuluka (Performer)Composer not specified | 1949/09/12 | Chair, Clapping, Dance song, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Lomwe, Lomwe, Makimilani Mpuluka, Makua, Malawi, Nautongwe, Nyasaland, Southern African, Tin, ILAM | Nautongwe dance music with beaten tin, beaten chair and clapping. Further details refer ILAM field card number: C5J-2


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