Composer: The Boys Town Steel Orchestra (Performer) |
1900-01-00 |
Boys Town Steel Orchestra, Calypso, Caribbean, Creole, dance, love, Popular music, Steel pans, Traditional music, Trinidad, ILAM |
Calypso dance performed on steel pans. The group are the winners of the Trinidad Musical Festival and Competition of 1952. Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1003
Artist(s): Calender (Leader) Maringar Band (Performer) |
Composer: Calender (Performer)Maringar Band (Performer) |
1958-00-00 |
Calendar, Call and response, Calypso, Creole, dance, Drum, Guitar, Indigenous music, Man singing, Maringar Band, Popular music, Rhythmic beats on bottle, Sierra Leone, Song, West African, ILAM |
Calypso dance song performed by a small band of musicians
Artist(s): Mameyigudi (Performer)Luhlanya (Performer) |
Composer: MameyigudiLuhlanya |
1960/01/01 |
Choir, concertina, dance, Indigenous music, Luhlanya, Mameyigudi, Ndlamu, Popular music, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Spoken introduction, Traditional music, Zulu, ILAM |
Ndlamu dance song accompanied by the concertina. The translated title is "A man sings about a young child".
Composer: Shangaan dancers (Performer) |
1955/03/06 |
dance, Folk music, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Shangaan, Shangaan, South Africa, Southern African, Transvaal, trumpet, Whistle, Zebekwaya, ILAM |
First movement of a Zebekwaya dance occasionally accompanied by a trumpet sounding whistle. Refer ILAM field card H1H2
Composer: Zulu crowd (Performer) |
1954/07/25 |
Crowd sounds, dance, Drum, KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Southern African culture, Zulu, Zulu, Zululand, ILAM |
Crowd sounds during gathering at Shembe's kraal with drumming, singing and massed dancing. Further details refer to ILAM record no. AC1252
Composer: Zulu crowd (Performer) |
1954/07/25 |
Crowd sounds, dance, Drum, KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Southern African culture, Zulu, Zulu, Zululand, ILAM |
Crowd sounds during gathering at Shembe's kraal with drumming, singing and massed dancing. Further details refer to ILAM record no. AC1252
Artist(s): John Ouwerx (Performer)Ensemble Lolaka (Performer)Wakwana Gerard (Performer) |
Composer: Wakwana GerardJohn Ouwerx |
1900-01-00 |
Belgian Congo, Central African, Clave rhythm, Congo, dance, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Drum, Ensemble Lolaka, Guitar, Indigenous music, Ouwerx,John, Popular music, Rhythm on bottle, Rhythm sticks, Scraper, Song, Wakwana Gerard, ILAM |
Dance song accompanied by various instruments.
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