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  1. Artist(s): Kitamba Kilaka (Performer)Mashaka Kawambwa (Performer)Zaramo men (Performer) | Composer: Kitamba Kilaka (Performer)Mashaka Kawambwa (Performer)Zaramo men (Performer) | 1950/06/25 | Call and response, dance, East African, Five goblet pegged and footed Drum, Folk, Four cylindrical pegged Drum, Kawambwa,Mashaka, Kilaka,Kitamba, Madogoli, men and women, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Tin rattles, traditional, Zaramo, Zaramo, ILAM | Madagoli dance song for men and women, accompanied by various drums and tin rattles. Refer ILAM field card number D3F3
  2. Composer: Ngodo waCabo Mtoti | 1949/06/05 | Chopi, dance, Mozambique, Ngodo waCabo Mtoti, Orchestra, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, ILAM | Orchestral dance for tying on leggings or for calling the dancersRefer ILAM field card CO12
  3. Composer: Ngodo waCabo Mtoti | 1949/06/05 | Chopi, dance, Mozambique, Ngodo waCabo Mtoti, Orchestra, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, ILAM | Orchestral dance with Timbila xylophonesFirst orchestral introductionRefer ILAM field card CP 10
  4. Composer: Leader Hafu waMaba | 1949/06/08 | Chopi, dance, Hafu waMaba, Mozambique, Mozambique, Orchestra, Portuguese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Timbila, ILAM | Orchestral dance song with timbila xylophonesRefer ILAM field card CR5
  5. Composer: Ngodo waCabo Mtoti | 1949/06/05 | Chopi, dance, Mozambique, Ngodo waCabo Mtoti, Orchestra, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, ILAM | Orchestral dance with Timbila xylophonesSecond orchestral introductionRefer ILAM field card CO11
  6. Composer: Leader P waManzantu | 1949/06/08 | Chopi, dance, Mozambique, Mozambique, Orchestra, P. waManzantu, Portuguese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Timbila, ILAM | Orchestral dance song with Timbila xylophonesRefer ILAM field card CR6
  7. Artist(s): Hashima bin Kilamata Hiyari (Performer) | Composer: Hashima bin Kilamata Hiyari (Performer) | 1950-00-00 | dance, Drum, East African, Hashima Bin Kilamata, men and women, Nyamwezi, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, traditional, Yamoyo, ILAM | Yamoyo dance song for men and women, accompanied by drums. ILAM field card number is unknown
  8. Artist(s): Jim B Gondwe (Composer/Performer)Vijana wa Mbeya (Performer) | Composer: Jim B Gondwe (Composer/Performer)Vijana wa Mbeya (Performer) | 1950-00-00 | Bass Drum, dance, Guitar, Jim B. Gondwe, Malawi, Mandoline, Nguja, Nyasaland, Popular, singing, Southern African, Swahili, town, urban, Vijana wa Mbeya, ILAM | Town dance with singing and accompanied by guitars, mandoline and a bass drum. ILAM field card number is unknown
  9. Composer: Ngodo of Zavala | 1949/06/08 | Chopi, dance, Mozambique, Ngodo of Zavala, Orchestra, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, xylophones, ILAM | Orchestral dance with Timbila xylophonesRefer ILAM field card CR13
  10. Composer: Chadi ObuyiGiryama men | 1950/10/13 | Chadi Obuyi, Conical Drum, dance, East African, Giriyama, Giryama, goblet Drum, Gonda, Kenya, Mabumbumbu cylindrical Drum, men, Nika, Song, women, ILAM | Gonda dance song for men and women accompanied by 4 Mabumbumbu cylindrical drums, 1 Mushondo conical drum, 1 Kaamuri goblet drumRefer ILAM field card D7N9


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