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  1. Composer: Choir of Centro Associativo des Negros | 1949/05/25 | Choir of Centro Associativo des Negros, girls, love, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Ronga, Song, Southern African, ILAM | Song is about young woman wanting a good manRefer ILAM field card CC1
  2. Composer: Luunda women at Lake Mwera | 1949/07/20 | Clapping, Drum, girls, initiation, Lake Mwera, Luunda, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Initiation song for girls with clapping and drummingRefer ILAM field card C3H14
  3. Composer: Ngoni men and women at Wusakili Compound | 1949/08/04 | Chitelele, Clapping, dance, girls, Ngoni, Ngoni, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, women, Wusakili Compound, Zambia, Zulu, ILAM | Chitelele dance song for girls and women, accompanied by clapping. Refer ILAM field card C3W8
  4. Composer: Mawasa Binti MporedaFatima Binti MeriNgindo women | 1950/06/25 | boys, circumcision, Clapping, East African, Fatima Binti Meri, girls, initiation, Mawasa Binti Mporeda, Ndonde, Ngindo, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, ILAM | Song to accompany circumcision of girls and boysRefer ILAM field card D3F11
  5. Composer: Soldiers of Batalhao Indigena de Cacadores No 2 | 1949/09/20 | Batalhao Indigena, Batalhao Indigena de Cacadores No 3, boys, Chiwele, dance, girls, Mozambique, Nsenga, Portuguese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Chiwele dance song for boys and girls. It is unaccompanied. Refer ILAM field card C5R5
  6. Composer: Soldiers of Batalhao Indigena de Cacadores No 2 | 1949/09/20 | Batalhao Indigena, Batalhao Indigena de Cacadores No 2, boys, Chiwele, dance, girls, Mozambique, Nsenga, Portuguese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Chiwele dance song for boys and girls. It is unaccompanied. Refer ILAM field card C5R4
  7. Composer: Ngoni men and women at Wusakili Compound | 1949/08/04 | Chitelele, Clapping, dance, girls, Ngoni, Ngoni, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, women, Wusakili Compound, Zambia, Zulu, ILAM | Chitelele dance song for girls and women, accompanied by clapping. Refer ILAM field card C3W9
  8. Composer: Shemi Gatsande NzouChorus | 1948/04/25 | Budya, Chorus, girls, Shemi Gatsande Nzou, Song, Southern African, story, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Story songRefer ILAM field card AL1
  9. Composer: Alubina NsofuNsenga girls | 1949/08/01 | Chitelele, Clapping, dance, girls, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Nsenga, Nsofu,Alubina, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Chitelele dance song for young girls, accompanied by clapping. Refer ILAM field card c3t8


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