Indigenous music

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  1. Composer: Ogalo Mirasi (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | East African, Indigenous music, Kenya, Kisumu, Love song, Luo, Ogalo Mirasi, Orotu lute, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number: CR2207.
  2. Artist(s): Mohammed Shaban (Leader) | Composer: Arab men (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/10/12 | Arab, Arabic, Clapping, Dance song, Drum, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kenya, Malindi, Shaban,Mohammed, Shabuwani dance, Stick, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D7M-1
  3. Composer: Abalere ba Kabaka flute and drum band (Performer)Composer not specified | 1952/06/26 | Abalere ba Kabaka, Abelere flute, Drum, East African, Folk music, Ganda, Indigenous music, Instrumental, Kampala, Uganda, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: F3Q 8
  4. Composer: The Abalere Flute and Drum Band of H.H. The Kabaka of Buganda (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | Abalere ba Kabaka, Drum, East African, Ganda, Indigenous music, Kampala, Morality song, Ndere flute, Uganda, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number: CR2321.
  5. Composer: African Music Research Party (Performer)Composer not specified | 1958-00-00 | African Music Research Party, Guitar, Ibo, Igbo, Indigenous music, Nigeria, Vocal, West African, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR0745
  6. Composer: Zulu Radio Choir (Performer) | 1943/10/26 | Choir, Choral music, English, Indigenous music, KwaZulu-Natal, Narrative, Natal, Radio show, South Africa, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zulu, Zulu, Zulu Radio Choir, Zululand, ILAM | Radio show. Further details refer ILAM record SABC-HT34B1
  7. Composer: Alabhama Kids (Performer)Radebe (Composer) | 1960-00-00 | Alabhama Kids, Drum, Guitar, Indigenous music, Melody Music, Radebe, Rattle, Southern African, Zulu, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR3828.
  8. Artist(s): Muzinyonge Mwanza (Leader) | Composer: Composer not specifiedKunda men and women (Performer) | 1949-00-00 | Dance song, Drum, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kacokoca, Kunda, Kunda, Mwanza,Muzinyonge, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Kacokoca dance music. Further detail refer ILAM shellac record number: TP0671-XYZT4041
  9. Composer: Kunda Dancers (Performer)M. Mwanza (Leader)Composer not specified | 1954-00-00 | Dance song, Drum, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kacokoca Dance song, Kunda, Kunda, Mufulira, Mufulira Mine, Mwanza,Muzinyonge, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number: CR3530.
  10. Composer: Jasoni Limbani (Performer)Dickison Malembesa (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/05/12 | Blantyre, Dance tune, Dikinsoni Malembesa, East African, Folk music, Hunting song, Indigenous music, Jasoni Limbane, Machipo dance, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM field card number: DN 9


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