Composer: Charondet Arap Ng'asuraKipsigi men |
1950/09/15 |
East African, Kenya, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Lyre, Ng'asura,Charondet Arap, Topical song, ILAM |
Topical song about the mystical singer, Chemirocha, accompanied by the 6 string Chepkong bowl lyre. Refer ILAM field card D6L19
Composer: Joshua Omwami (Performer)Composer not specified |
1952/09/26 |
bells, East African, Folk music, Indingenous music, Joshua Omwami, Kenya, Luya, Lyre, Nyanza, Praise song, Ragoli, Rattle, Whistling, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number F4Z-6.
Composer: Oluoch Kando (Composer/Performer) |
1950/09/08 |
bell, Dho, East African, Gara, Kenya, Kisumu, Leg bell, Luo, Lyre, Oluoch Kando, Praise song, Thum, ILAM |
Praise song for a friend with Thum eight string lyre and Gara leg bells. Further details refer ILAM field card (D6E7)
Artist(s): Drummers of the Mwami of Ruaunda (Performer) |
Composer: Joshua Omwami (Performer) |
1952/06/09 |
Bukanga, East African, Folk song, Indigenous music, Joshua Omwami, Kenya, Legbells, litungu, Luyia, Lyre, Mwami (Rwaunda), Nairobi, Ragoli, Rattle, ILAM |
Praise song with litungu, legbells and gourd rattle accompaniment. Further details refer to ILAM field card no. F3K1.
Composer: William Semogole (Performer- lyre)Lafairi Morindwa (Performer- lute)Yuan Wiswa (Performer- lute)Cristof Sebabi (Performer- drum) |
1952/06/18 |
Cristof Sebabi, Drum, East African, Endongo, Folk music, Ganda, Indigenous music, Lafairi Morindwa, Lute, Lyre, Ndingidi, Uganda, William Semogole, Yuan Wiswa, ILAM |
Drinking song. Further details refer to ILAM card no. F3L4
Composer: Achieug Mukunga (Performer)Achieug Mukunga (Composer) |
1952/09/28 |
Alego, Central Nyanga, East African, Indigenous music, Kenya, Luo, Lyre, Mukunga,Achieug, topical, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card F5B-8
Composer: Daudi Atuoma (Composer/Performer) |
1950/09/13 |
bells, chief, Daudi Atuoma, Dho, East African, Gara, Kenya, Leg bells, Luo, Lyre, Nyanza, praise, Praise song, Thum, ILAM |
Praise song for a chief, accompanied by the 8 string Thum lyre and Gara leg bells. Refer ILAM field card D6J1
Composer: Daudi Atuoma |
1950/09/13 |
bells, Daudi Atuoma, Dho, East African, Gara, Kenya, Leg bells, Luo, Lyre, Nyanza, Praise song, Thum, Topical song, ILAM |
Topical and praise song about Mbaka's involvement in the progress of his location. Accompanied by the 8 string Thum lyre and Gara leg bells. Refer ILAM field card D6J2
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