Composer: Simon Ng'omaKunda men and women at Roan Antelope Mine |
1949/08/11 |
dance, Drum, Kunda, Kunda, Malaundo, men, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Roan Antelope Mine, Simon Ng'oma, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM |
Mulaundo dance song for men and women, accompanied by 1 double headed bass drum, 1 conical drum, and 1 small bass drum. Refer ILAM field card C4D9
Artist(s): Nimrod H. Makanya (Conductor) |
Composer: Bantu Glee Singers (Performer)Composer not specified |
1900-01-00 |
Bantu Glee Singers, Choir, Choral music, Folk song, Humorous, KwaZulu-Natal, Makanya,Nimrod H., Natal, Piano, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Vocal, Zulu, Zululand, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record number CR0689
Composer: Ali H WachibiGanda men and women |
1950/06/24 |
Clapping, East African, Ganda, Ganda, Lute, party, sisal string bow, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Wachibi,Ali H., ILAM |
Party songs accompanied by clapping and a one string bowRefer ILAM field card D3E1
Composer: Yatamu MulebaBemba women at Mindolo Compound |
1949/08/08 |
Bemba, Kankobele, Lala, Mbira, Mindolo Compound, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, story, Yatamu Muleba, Zambia, ILAM |
Story song but without the story, accompanied by Kankobele mbira. Refer ILAM field card C4A2
Composer: Bari AirimiPaseliActors at the Broadcasting Studio in Salisbury-Harare |
1949/10/04 |
Accompanied, banjo, Bari Airimi, Concert, Guitar, Nyanja, Paseli Brothers, Salisbury-Harare Broadcasting Studio Actors, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Concert song accompanied by two guitars and a banjo. Refer ILAM field card C6F10
Composer: NyakwelaGogo men and women |
1950/06/17 |
bells, dance, East African, Gogo, Gogo, hourglass Drum, Isumbi, Nyakwela, rattles, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, zithers, ILAM |
Isumbi dance song accompanied by Ndwala bells, 2 hourglass drums, 3 Malimba zithers, and flat tin rattlesRefer ILAM field card D2X6
Composer: Ganza Ezeni (Performer)Ganza Ezeni (Composer) |
1949/07/08 |
Belgian Congo, Bua, Central African, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ganza Ezeni, Humorous, Indigenous music, Likembe, Lisanzo, Mbira, Republic of the Congo, Song, Zaire, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number: C2V-1
Composer: Clement NyamaneSotho men |
1951/05/21 |
Basutoland, boys, Clement Nyamane, departure, Lesotho, mines, Song, Sotho, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, threshing, ILAM |
Threshing song inspired by constant departure of men for the mines in Johannesburg. Refer ILAM field card E1A9
Artist(s): Tsosane, M. (Leader) |
Composer: Composer not specifiedSotho men (Performer) |
1900-01-00 |
Basutoland, Indigenous music, Lesotho, Song, Sotho, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, Tsosane,M., Unaccompanied, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM record number TP0153-ABC3280
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