Composer: Mwendera KaizapeHaya women (Performer) |
1950/08/05 |
Bukoba, Clapping, East African, Haya, Haya, Mwendera Kaizape, Nyoro, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, wedding, ILAM |
Wedding song to accompany the final act of the wedding ceremony, when the bridegroom touches the breast of the bride in front of everyone. Refer ILAM field card D4W6
Artist(s): Women and girls (Composer/Performer) |
Composer: Women and girls (Composer/Performer) |
1950-00-00 |
Barrel drum, Chewa, dance, Kasondo, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Song, Southern African, Tin whistles, Women and girls, ILAM |
Kasondo dance song performed by women and girls, accompanied by the barrel drum and tin whistles. ILAM field card number is unknown
Artist(s): Mbata (Singer)Zulu band (Instrumental Performer) |
Composer: MbataZulu band |
1900-01-00 |
dance, Fast speed, Guitar, Indigenous music, Man singing, Mbata, Popular music, Song, South Africa, South African, Spoken verse, Traditional music, Zulu, Zulu, ILAM |
Dance song accompanied by the guitar.
Composer: Meriki Fumbe (Performer)Composer not specified |
1951/06/05 |
Bangwe board zither, East African, Humorous, Indigenous music, Meriki Fumbe, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, resonato, Sena, Song, Southern African, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number: E2B 22
Artist(s): Nimrod Makanya (Leader)The Bantu Glee Singers (Performer) |
Composer: Nimrod H MakanyaThe Bantu Glee Singers |
1960/01/01 |
Bantu Glee Singers, Humorous, Indigenous music, Makanya,Nimrod H., Mixed voice Choir, Part singing, Popular music, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Traditional music, Unaccompanied, Zulu, ILAM |
Unaccompanied song with humou
Artist(s): Hodzi Katsukumya (Performer) |
Composer: Hodzi Katsukumya (Performer) |
1949/09/23 |
Budya, Hodzi Katsukunya, Humorous, Indigenous music, Korekore, Madebe dza mondoro mbira, Mbira, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Humorous song accompanied by the Madebe dza Mondoro mbiras of the Tonga. Refer ILAM field card C5U14
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