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  1. Composer: Kaluta Amri Bin Abedi (Composer/Performer) | 1950/07/18 | East African, Kaluta Amri bin Abedi, Nguja, Poetry, Song, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Sung Poem. Further details refer to ILAM card no D4C22Exhortations
  2. Artist(s): Tswa men (Performer) | Composer: Josefu Manyisa (Performer)Composer not specified | 1949/06/12 | Dance song, East African, Folk music, Hlengwe, Indigenous music, Josefu Manyisa, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Semba, Southern African, Tswa, Tswa, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Semba dance music. Further details refer ILAM field card number: CV-2
  3. Artist(s): Babu (Performer) | Composer: Dawuramanzi (Composer/Performer) | 1943-00-00 | Babu, Bikita, Dawuramanzi, Indigenous music, Karanga, Shona, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Story Song, Unaccompanied, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Translation: The owl's quarrel. Further details refer ILAM shellac record number TP3740.
  4. Composer: Nyanja girls (Performer) | 1950/05/22 | Chewa, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kasungu, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Poetry, Song, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Unaccompanied poem song. Further details refer ILAM field card number DX4
  5. Composer: Nyanja people (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | Chewa, East African, Indigenous language, Indigenous music, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Poetry, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP1458
  6. Composer: Mbowela Phiri (Performer)Simarambo Phiri (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | Chewa, Dance song, East African, Gwetsa, Indigenous music, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Phiri,Mbowela, Phiri,Simarambo, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Gwetsa dance song, unaccompanied. Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP1334
  7. Composer: Mbowela Phiri (Performer)Simarambo Phiri (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/05/19 | Chewa, Dance song, East African, Folk music, Gwetsa dance, Indigenous music, Lilongwe, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Phiri,Mbowela, Phiri,Simarambo, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: DU 4
  8. Composer: Composer not specifiedPortuguese East Africa Male Voice Choir (Performer) | 1900-01-00 | Choir, Choral music, East African, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Portuguese East Africa Male Voice Choir, Southern African, Tswa, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number TP0554-ABC271
  9. Composer: Nyanja people (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | Chewa, East African, Indigenous language, Indigenous music, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Poetry, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP1458
  10. Composer: Francis Muyambo (Performer)Composer not specified | 1951-00-00 | Francis Muyambo, Indigenous music, Mount Silinda, Ndau, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Unaccompanied, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP2394


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