Composer: Sgananda (Performer)Sitole Band (Performer)Composer not specified |
1946-00-00 |
concertina, Dance music, Guitar, Indigenous music, KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, Sgananda, Sitole Band, South Africa, Southern African, Town dance, Zulu, Zulu dance, Zululand, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM record number TP0049-ABC397
Artist(s): William Mseleku (Leader)Mseluku and his merrymakers (Performer) |
Composer: William MselekuMseluku and his merrymakers |
1960/01/01 |
Choir, Indigenous music, Merrymakers, Mseleku,William, Part-singing, Popular music, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Spoken introduction, Supernatural, Traditional music, Witch, Zulu, ILAM |
Song about finding the source of an illness, which participants attribute to a witch
Composer: Reitz Bantu Choir (Performer)Sidyiyo (Composer) |
1947-00-00 |
Ballad Part-Song, KwaZulu-Natal, Mixed voices, Natal, Reitz Bantu Choir, Sidyiyo, South Africa, Southern African, Zulu, Zululand, ILAM |
Ballad Part-Song.Further details refer ILAM record TP3552
Composer: Caluza's Double Quartet (Performer)Composer not specified |
1900-01-00 |
Ballad Euro-African, Caluza, Caluza's Double Quartet Choir, Concert, Greeting song, Piano, South Africa, Southern African, Zulu, Zulu Choir, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR0636
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