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  1. 1948/10/17 | Chopi, Dance music, Lenge, Manjacaze, Mozambique, Orchestral music, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, ILAM | Mdano movement of the Chopi Ngodo dance music. Further detailsrefer ILAM field card (CMR28).
  2. Artist(s): Pondekane (Leader) | Composer: Chopi people (Performer)Kalini (Composer) | 1949/06/08 | Chopi, Chopi, Dance song, East African, Indigenous music, Katini, Marimba, Mozambique, Orchestra, orchestral dance, Pondekane, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, ILAM | Orchestral dance song with Timbila xylophones. Further details refer ILAM field card number: CR-9
  3. Composer: Men and boys at ZandamelaFomeni Zandamela (Composer)Men and Boys (Performer) | 1949/06/03 | Chopi, dance, Drum, Fomeni Zandamela, Mozambique, Ngalanga, Portugese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, Zandamela, Zandamela, Zavala, ILAM | Dance song for Ngalanga dance, a dance with five movements for young peopleRefer ILAM field card CM2Dance SongNgalanga DanceFurther details refer ILAM field card (CM2)
  4. Artist(s): Two Shangaan men and one woman | Composer: Feliciano Mapungo Mungome (Composer/Performer) | 1949/05/22 | Feliciano Mapungo Mungome, Guitar, Inharrime, Lourenco Marques, Mann George Compound, Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Portuguese, Shangaan, Southern African, ILAM | Love Song in PortugueseFurther details refer ILAM field card (CA3)
  5. Artist(s): Shangaan men and a Shangaan woman (Performer) | Composer: Feliciano Mapungo Ngome (Performer)Feliciano Mapungo Ngome (Composer) | 1949/05/22 | East African, Feliciano Mapungo Ngome, Guitar, Love song, Mozambique, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Shangaan, Southern African, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: CA-3
  6. Composer: Grem Seville Chaimite (Performer)Mutanos Gomez Felisiano (Leader)Composer not specified | 1951-00-00 | Gomez,Feliciano Muntano, Gremio Civil Chaimite, Guitar, Mozambique, Mutanos Gomez Felisiano, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number: CR3546.
  7. Composer: Moises Ribeiro Manjati (Performer) | 1950/11/03 | Dance tune, Guitar, Mandoline, Manjati,Moises Ribeiro, Mozambique, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Rumba, Southern African, ILAM | Dance rumba. Further details refer ILAM field card (D8I6)
  8. Artist(s): Moises Ribeiro Manjati (Leader)Manjati M.R. (Leader) | Composer: Grupo Manjacaziana (Performer) | 1950/11/02 | Dance music, Drum, Grupo Manjacaziana, Guitar, Mandoline, Manjaceze, Manjati,Moises Ribeiro, Mozambique, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Rumba, Southern African, ILAM | Dance music (Rumba) with bass drums, three guitars and a mandoline. Translated English title - "My love was an airman (who fell out of the sky in a parachute right into my arms." Further details refer ILAM field card (D8H2)
  9. Artist(s): Group Manjacaziana (Performer)Leader Moises Ribeiro Manjati (Composer/Performer) | Composer: Group Manjacaziana (Performer)Leader Moises Ribeiro Manjati (Composer/Performer) | 1950/11/02 | Bass Drum, dance, Group Manjacaziana, Guitar, Mandoline, Manjati,Moises Ribeiro, Mozambique, Popular, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Rumba, Southern African, urban, ILAM | Rumba dance performed on guitar and banjo. Refer ILAM field card number D8H2
  10. 1948/03/14 | Dance music, Folk music, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Ngoni, Portuguese East Africa, Shangaan, Southern African, ILAM | Folk music - Dance song .Further details refer ILAM field card (L1)


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