Artist(s): Shangaan women (Performer) |
Composer: Shangaan women |
1955/10/10 |
Ebony wood, Folk music, Indigenous music, mortar, Mozambique, pestle, Portuguese East Africa, Shangaan, Shangaan, Southern African, Tonga, Traditional music, ILAM |
Song accompanied by pounding sounds from a mortar and pestle made of ebony wood. Further details refer ILAM field card number H1Q3-4
Artist(s): Shangaan women (Performer) |
Composer: Shangaan women |
1955/10/10 |
Ebony wood, Folk music, Indigenous music, mortar, Mozambique, pestle, Portuguese East Africa, Shangaan, Shangaan, Southern African, Tonga, Traditional music, ILAM |
Song accompanied by pounding sounds from a mortar and pestle made of ebony wood. Further details refer ILAM field card number H1Q3-4
Composer: Herriot Mine Nyambane Band (Performer)Composer not specified |
1900-01-00 |
banjo, Dance Band, Dance music, Drum, East African, Guitar, Herriot Mine Nyambane Band, Mozambique, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Shaker, Southern African, Stick, Vocal, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac commercial record number: CR0005
Composer: Native Askaris (Performer)Alberto Finiosse (Leader/Performer) |
1949/05/23 |
Alberto Finiosse, Dzibi, Lourenco Marques, Marching song, Mozambique, Native Askaris, Portugese East Africa, Soldiers song, Southern African, Tswa, ILAM |
Folk SongFurther details refer ILAM field card (CB2)
Artist(s): Alberto Finiosse (Leader) |
Composer: Tswa soldiers (Performer)Composer not specified |
1949/05/23 |
Alberto Finiosse, Dzibi, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Marching song, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Soldier's song, Southern African, Tswa, Tswa, Whistling, ILAM |
Translated English title - "Goodbye." Further details refer ILAM field card number: CB-2
Artist(s): Alberto Finiosse (Leader) |
Composer: Tswa soldiers (Performer)Composer not specified |
1949/05/23 |
Alberto Finiosse, Dzibi, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Marching song, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Soldier's song, Southern African, Tswa, Tswa, Whistling, ILAM |
Translated English title - "Goodbye." Further details refer ILAM field card number: CB-2
Composer: Mondlane (Performer) |
1948/03/14 |
bow, Folk music, Hlengwe, Kgatla, Mondlane, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Shipendani, Southern African, Tswa, Yodelling, ILAM |
Folk music - Yodelling song on Shipendani bow.Further details refer ILAM field card (P5)
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