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  1. Composer: Magomero, S. (Composer/Performer)Sitivini Magomero (Composer/Performer) | 1949/10/03 | Guitar, Karonga, Love song, Magomero,Sitivini, Malawi, Nostalgic song, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Southern African, ILAM | Nostalgic love song with guitar. Further details refer ILAM field card (C6E1)
  2. Composer: Kamanga, B. (Composer/Performer)Beti Kamanga (Composer/Performer) | 1950/05/29 | Bangwe, Chinteche, Kamanga,Beti, Malawi, Nkata Bay, Nostalgic song, Nyasaland, Raft zither, Southern African, Tonga, Zither, ILAM | Nostalgic song with Bangwe zither. Translated English title - "Mary has deceived us." Further details refer ILAM field card (D2E33)
  3. Composer: Beti Kamanga (Performer and Composer) | 1950/05/29 | Bangwe raft zither, East African, Indigenous music, Kamanga,Beti, Malawi, Nostalgic song, Nyasaland, Southern African, Strings, Tonga, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number D2E 23
  4. Composer: Blantyre Secondary School Boys (Performer) | 1949/09/16 | Bass Drum, Blantyre, Blantyre Secondary School, Central African, Concert song, Folk song, Henga, Indigenous music, Malawi, Nyasaland, Sticks, Tambuka, ILAM | Concert song sung by Tambuka and Henga boys with sticks beaten on a bass drum as accompaniment. Further details refer to ILAM card no. C5N5.
  5. Composer: City Slickers (Performer)Composer not specified | 1905/05/13 | City Slickers, Malawi, Nyasaland, Popular music, Shona, Southern African, Vocal, Zezuru, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1019
  6. Composer: Makimilani Mpuluka (Performer) | 1949/09/13 | Folk music, Lomwe, Makimilani Mpuluka, Malawi, Nyasaland, Southern African, Zomba, ILAM | Boys initiation music
  7. Composer: Makungangu, M (Performer) | 1949/09/17 | Central African, Folk song, Indigenous music, Makungangu,M., Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Story Song, Zomba, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card no. C5O12.
  8. Artist(s): Yao men (Performer) | Composer: Ngoleka, G.P. (Performer) | 1950/05/12 | Blantyre, Chindimbo, Dance song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Malawi, Nyasaland, Nyoleka,G.P., Southern African, Unaccompanied, Yao, Yao, ILAM | Chindimbo dance song, unaccompanied. Further details refer ILAM field card (DN5)
  9. Composer: Girls at Blantyre Mission (Performer) | 1949/09/15 | Blantyre, Blantyre Mission, Central African, Folk song, Indigenous music, Malawi, Ngoni, Nyasaland, Story Song, Unaccompanied, Zulu, ILAM | Song story sung by girls at Blatyre mission. Further details refer to ILAM card no. C5M6.
  10. Artist(s): Nyanja girls (Performer)Henga girls (Performer) | Composer: Ivy Funsani (Performer) | 1950/05/11 | Blantyre, Folk music, Henga, Indigenous music, Ivy Funsani, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Southern African, Story Song, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Story song, unaccompanied. Further details refer ILAM field card (DM12)


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