Portugese East Africa

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  1. Composer: Machatini waFulani (Composer)Ngodo of Zandamela (Performer) | 1949/06/04 | Chopi, Machatini waFulani, Mozambique, Ngodo of Zandamela, Portugese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, Zandamela, Zavala, ILAM | Orchestral dance with timbila xylophone orchestraFurther details refer ILAM field card (CN6)
  2. Composer: Lads from Mkumbi Inharrime (Performer) | 1949/05/22 | Chimveka Pipe, Chopi, Inharrime, Lourenco Marques, Mann George Compound, Mkumbi Inharrime, Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Southern African, Tonga, ILAM | DancePipe DanceFolk Dance
  3. Composer: Shangaan men at XinavaneShangaan Men (Performer) | 1949/05/26 | Bila, Bila, Incomati, Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Shangaan, Shangaan, Song, Southern African, Tonga, Tonga, work, Work Song, Xinavane, Xinavane, Xinavane, ILAM | Work song to accompany digging. Sung by men angry for being made to work despite having paid taxesRefer ILAM field card CE1Folk SongFurther details refer ILAM field card (CE1)
  4. Composer: Chihihwe waPapatane (Composer/Performer) | 1949/06/08 | Chihihwe waPapatane, Chopi, Folk song, Lament, Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Southern African, Zavala, ILAM | Personal Lament
  5. Artist(s): Shangaan men, women an children | Composer: Fusi Matosi (Performer) | 1949/05/30 | Bila, Cabo Mukoki, Fusi Matosi, Macia, Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Shangaan, Shangaan, Southern African, Story Song, ILAM | Folk SongFurther details refer ILAM field card (CI7)
  6. Composer: Sara Nyakhoma (Performer)R. Mashawele (Performer) | 1949/06/13 | Folk song, Homoine, Mashawele,R., Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Sara Nyakhoma, Southern African, Tonga, ILAM | Drinking songSong after female circumcision
  7. Composer: Komukomu wa Simbi (Composer/Performer)Ngodo wa Banguza (Performer) | 1949/06/06 | Chopi, Komukomu wa Simbi, Mozambique, Ngodo wa Banguza, Portugese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, Zavala, ILAM | Orchestral dance
  8. Composer: Katinyane wa Katini (Composer)Pandekane wa Manzatu (Performer) | 1949/06/08 | Chopi, Katinyane wa Katini, Mozambique, Pandekane wa Manzatu, Portugese East Africa, Quissico, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, ILAM | Orchestral dance music
  9. Composer: Men and boys at ZandamelaFomeni Zandamela (Composer)Men and Boys (Performer) | 1949/06/03 | Chopi, dance, Drum, Fomeni Zandamela, Mozambique, Ngalanga, Portugese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, Zandamela, Zandamela, Zavala, ILAM | Dance song for Ngalanga dance, a dance with five movements for young peopleRefer ILAM field card CM2Dance SongNgalanga DanceFurther details refer ILAM field card (CM2)
  10. Artist(s): Two Shangaan men and one woman | Composer: Feliciano Mapungo Mungome (Composer/Performer) | 1949/05/22 | Feliciano Mapungo Mungome, Guitar, Inharrime, Lourenco Marques, Mann George Compound, Mozambique, Portugese East Africa, Portuguese, Shangaan, Southern African, ILAM | Love Song in PortugueseFurther details refer ILAM field card (CA3)


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