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  1. Composer: Hat Arap KotutKipsigi men | 1950/09/15 | East African, Fighting song, Kenya, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Kotut,Hat Arap, ILAM | An old fighting song. Refer ILAM field card D6L12
  2. Artist(s): Kipsigis men | Composer: Hat Arap Kotut (Composer)Kipsigis men (Performer) | 1952-00-00 | East African, Fighting song, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Kotut,Hat Arap, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR2103.
  3. Composer: Kinutit Arap Ng'asura (Performer and Composer) | 1950/09/15 | East African, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Kinutit Arap, Praise song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card no. D6L5.
  4. Composer: Kirutit Arap Ngasura (Performer adn Composer) | 1950/09/15 | East African, Indigenous music, Kenya, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Lyre, Ng'asura,Kinutit Arap, Praise song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number D6L-5.
  5. Artist(s): Kinutit Arap Ngasura | 1950/09/15 | East African, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kibugandet lyre, Kipsigis, Kipsigis district, Ngasura, Kinutit Arap, Praise song, ILAM | A praise song with Kibugandet 5 string wish bone lyre, resonated on a parafin tin. The solo singer, singing in falsetto, praises his country and many of its desirable places. He mentions, among others, the Administrative centre at Kericho, some 25 miles away, which he says is 'full of words', referring to the information service supplied to the country by the office of the District Commissioner. This wishbone shaped frame lyre is help onto the top of an empty 4 gallon parafin tin. At the end of his song the lyre slipped off its resonator.Details from ILAM field card number: D6L 4
  6. Composer: Marivate's Double Quartette (Performer)Composer not specified | 1951-00-00 | East African, Folk music, Marivate's Quartette, Shangaan, Southern African, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR3022.
  7. Composer: Marivate's Double Quartette (Performer)Composer not specified | 1951-00-00 | East African, Folk music, Marivate's Quartette, Shangaan, Southern African, ILAM | Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR3022.
  8. Composer: Mwenda Jean Bosco (Performer)Mwenda Jean Bosco (Composer) | 1905/05/05 | Central African, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guitar, Mwenda,Jean Bosco, Popular music, Swahili, Topical song, Vocal, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1160
  9. Composer: Chabarwa Musunda | 1948/04/30 | mbira Njaridza Manjanja, minstrelsy, Musunda,Chabarwa, Njanja, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Minstrel song with mbira Njaridza ManjanjaRefer ILAM field card AQ19
  10. Composer: Eni Mungurisa (Performer) | 1948/04/19 | Bikita, Duma, Eni Mungurisa, Huzi, Kananga, Poetry, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Folk Song


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