Dance music
Composer: Sibanda, George (Composer)Sibanda, George (Performer) George Sibanda |
1949/10/07 |
Bulawayo, Dance music, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Marabi Town Dance for men and womenFurther details refer ILAM field card (C6I4)
Composer: Lifungula Pascal (Performer) |
1952/02/06 |
Belgian Congo, Central African, Congo, Dance music, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guitar, Lisala, Ngala, Pascal,Lifungula, Rumba, ILAM |
Rumba dance music with guitar. Further details refer ILAM field card (F1V18)
Composer: Sibanda, George (Composer)Sibanda, George (Performer) George Sibanda |
1949/10/07 |
Bulawayo, Dance music, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Marabi Town Dance for men and womenFurther details refer ILAM field card (C6I5)
Composer: Composer not specifiedBulawayo Sweet Rythms (Performer) |
1950-00-00 |
Bulawayo Sweet Rhythm Band, Dance music, Dance song, Guitar, Ndebele, Nguni, Rumba, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record number TP0581-XYZ4673
Composer: Katini (Composer)Ngodo of Regulo Zavala (Performer) |
1949/06/08 |
Chopi, Dance music, Katini, Mozambique, Ngodo of Regulo Zavala, Orchestral music, Portuguese East Africa, Quissico, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, ILAM |
Orchestral dance musicFurther details refer ILAM field card (CR10)
Composer: Ngodo of Zavala (Performer)Katini (Composer) |
1949/06/08 |
Chopi, Dance music, Katini, Mozambique, Ngodo of Zavala, Orchestral music, Portuguese East Africa, Quissico, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, ILAM |
Orchestral dance musicFurther details refer ILAM field card (CR13)
Artist(s): Lunda men and women (Performer) |
Composer: Chikuriji, F. (Composer/Performer)French Chikuriji (Composer/Performer) |
1952/01/16 |
Bottle, Chikuriji,French, Dance music, Lunda, Luunda, Mufulira, Nail, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Sikirita dance music accompanied by bottle struck with six inch nail. Further details refer ILAM field card (F1G1)
Composer: Group of Tonga men and women (Performer) |
1949/06/14 |
Clapping, Dance music, Drum, Giguni, Guiguni, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Tonga, Tonga, ILAM |
Folk music for dance with drums and clappingFurther details refer ILAM field card (CX3)
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