Composer: George Sisanda (Performer)Composer not specified |
1950-00-00 |
Bulawayo, East African, Guitar, Indigenous music, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM |
Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR2119.
Composer: Dick Ncube (Performer)Samson Ncube (Performer)Enoch Chuma (Performer) |
1951/06/05 |
Bulawayo, Chuma,Enoch, Concert song, Guitar, Ncube,Dick, Ncube,Samson, Ndebele, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Violin, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Concert song with guitar and violin. Composer unspecified. Translated English title - "Leave the drunks alone, for they are happy." Further details refer ILAM card (E2B18)
Composer: Dick Ncube (Performer)Samson Ncube (Performer)Enoch Chuma (Performer) |
1951/06/05 |
Bulawayo, Chuma,Enoch, Concert song, Essexvale, Guitar, Ncube,Dick, Ncube,Samson, Ndebele, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Violin, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Concert song with guitar and violin. Composer unspecified. Translated English title - "Leave the drunks alone, for they are happy." Further details refer ILAM card (E2B18)
Artist(s): The Municipal Bantu Brass Band (Performer) |
Composer: Jaime Texidor (Composer)The Municipal Bantu Brass Band (Performer) |
1951/07/06 |
Accompaniment, Band music, Brass band, Bulawayo, European, Jaime Texidor, Municipal Bantu Brass Band, No vocals, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
European, Social Welfare Hall, Bulawayo Location. Further details refer to ILAM field card E2D1
Artist(s): The Boogie Woogie Songsters |
Composer: Rusiki, A. B. C. (Performer/Lead) |
1951/06/05 |
Boogie Woogie Songsters, Bulawayo, Guitar, Ndebele, Rusiki,A.B.C., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Tsaba Tsaba song, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card no. E2B14.
Artist(s): Chaminuka Band (Performer) |
Composer: August Msarurgwa (Performer) |
1952/02/20 |
Bulawayo, Chaminuka Band, Dance Band, Dance music, Msarurgwa,August, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Tsaba-Tsaba town dance music. Further details refer ILAM field card (F2A11)
Composer: Shandavu, W. (Performer)Gambo, F. (PerformerShandavu, W. (Composer) |
1949/10/07 |
Bulawayo, Entertainment, Gambo,F., Guitar, Musical sketch, Ndebele, Shandavu,W., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Sketch with guitar musicFurther details refer ILAM field card (C6I7)
Artist(s): Chaminuka Band (Performer) |
Composer: August Msarurgwa (Performer) |
1952/02/21 |
Bulawayo, Chaminuka Band, Dance Band, Dance music, Msarurgwa,August, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Town dance music. Further details refer ILAM field card (F2A9)
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