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  1. Composer: African Dance Band of the Cold Storage Commission of Southern Rhodesia | 1951/06/05 | band, boogie, Cold Storage Commission of Southern Rhodesia African Dance Band, dance, European, Instrumental, Msarurgwa,August, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Western style dance tune or Boogie, performed by a small dance band. Refer ILAM field card E2B10
  2. Composer: Alubina NsofuNsenga girls | 1949/08/01 | Chitelele, Clapping, dance, girls, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Nsenga, Nsofu,Alubina, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Chitelele dance song performed by very young girls and accompanied by clapping. Refer ILAM field card C3T7
  3. Composer: Nshila yanKonde | 1949/07/21 | bell slit, Chitala, cylindrical slit Drum, dance, goblet, hourglass, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Nshila yanKonde, Southern African, tune, Xylophone, Zambia, ILAM | Dance tune for Chikwanza dance, accompanied by goblet, hourglass drums, and bell slit and cylindrical slit drums, and the Chitala xylophoneRefer ILAM field card C3I2
  4. Composer: Ngodo of BanguzaKomukomu and four other players | 1949/06/06 | Chopi, dance, Komukomu, Mozambique, Ngodo waBanguza, orchestral, Portuguese East Africa, preliminary, Southern African, tune, ILAM | Orchestral dance played by the leader as a preliminary to the same tune for a danceRefer ILAM field card CP4
  5. Artist(s): Leader Ndala Ibrahim (Performer)Jazi dawa ya shaba (Performer) | Composer: Leader Ndala Ibrahim (Performer)Jazi dawa ya shaba (Performer) | 1950-00-00 | dance, East African, Guitar, Jazi dawa ya shaba, men, Ndala Ibrahim, Popular, singing, Song, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Whistling, ILAM | Rumba dance performed on guitars and accompanied by whistling. ILAM field card number is unknown
  6. Composer: Th. Limeme | 1949/06/07 | Chopi, dance, Guitar, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Th. Limeme, ILAM | Town dance song with guitar accompanimentRefer ILAM field card CQ5
  7. Artist(s): Bemba young men (Performer)David Yumba (Leader) | Composer: Bemba young men (Performer)David Yumba (Leader) | 1949/08/20 | Bemba, Bemba, Cymbal, dance, Drum, Indigenous music, Kaponya dance song, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, Yumba,David, Zambia, ILAM | Kaponya dance song accompanied by drums and a cymbal. The English title is Where is that girl you do not like. Refer ILAM field card C4M7
  8. Composer: Tsinda Shoko | 1948/04/20 | dance, Drum, Duma, Karanga, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Tsinda Shoko, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Dance accompanied by drumming
  9. Composer: Tsinda Shoko | 1948/04/20 | dance, Drum, Duma, Karanga, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Tsinda Shoko, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Dance accompanied by drummingRefer ILAM field card AG16
  10. Composer: Chenda EsiteLubua women at Roan Antelope Mine | 1949/08/10 | Chenda Esite, Chipwidi, dance, girls, gourds, Luba, Lulua, Lulua, Northern Rhodesia, singing, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM | Chipwidi dance song for women and girls, accompanied by 2 singing gourds. Refer ILAM field card C4C7


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