Composer: Nshila yanKonde at MwansabombweChief Kazembe |
1949/07/21 |
chief, Chief Kazembe, Chinkwaza dance, Chitala xylophone, dance, Drum, inauguration, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Nshila yanKonde at Mwansabombwe, Southern African, tune, Zambia, ILAM |
Chinkwaza dance tune to accompany the inauguration of a new chief. It is accompanied by drums and xylophone Refer ILAM field card C3I1
Composer: Nshila yanKonde |
1949/07/21 |
bell slit, Chitala, cylindrical slit Drum, dance, goblet, hourglass, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Nshila yanKonde, Southern African, tune, Xylophone, Zambia, ILAM |
Dance tune for Chikwanza dance, accompanied by goblet, hourglass drums, and bell slit and cylindrical slit drums, and the Chitala xylophoneRefer ILAM field card C3I2
Composer: Ngodo of BanguzaKomukomu and four other players |
1949/06/06 |
Chopi, dance, Komukomu, Mozambique, Ngodo waBanguza, orchestral, Portuguese East Africa, preliminary, Southern African, tune, ILAM |
Orchestral dance played by the leader as a preliminary to the same tune for a danceRefer ILAM field card CP4
Composer: Mukomondera Moyo |
1951/06/27 |
dance, drinking, Karanga, Moyo,Mukomondera, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, tune, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Dance song performed when drinking. Refer ILAM field card E2X4c
Composer: Rapisoni Shungiaro Moyo |
1948/04/20 |
Chimazambi, Duma, friction, Instrumental, Karanga, mouth bow, Moyo,Rapisoni Shungiaro, Southern African, tune, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Tune played on the Chimazambi friction bowRefer ILAM field card AG2
Composer: Maka Nako |
1948/04/24 |
dance, Gororombe, Maka Nako, Ramba, Southern African, style, Tulimba, tune, Zezuro, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Tulimba tune for dancing the GororombeRefer ILAM field card AK5
Composer: Mukomondera Moyo |
1951/06/27 |
dance, drinking, Karanga, Moyo,Mukomondera, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, tune, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Dance song performed when drinking. Refer ILAM field card E2X4
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