Composer: Francois Mulanda (Composer/Performer) |
1951/06/04 |
Belgian Congo, Central African, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Francois Mulanda, Guitar, Indigenous music, Kapama, Love song, Ngwana, Swahili, ILAM |
Translation: My love what are you doing? Further details refer ILAM fieldcard E2A-13.
Artist(s): Subeti Salim Saidi (Leader) |
Composer: Alwattan Musical Club (Performer)Zuhura Fehuzi (Composer) |
1950/07/11 |
Alwattan Music Club, Daressalaam, Drum, East African, Fehuzi,Zuhurai, Guitar, Love song, Maruwas, Nguja, Subeti Salim Saidi, Swahili, Tabla, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Udi, Violin, ILAM |
Love song with one Udi guitar, two violins a Tabla drum and a Maruwas drum. Translated English title - "Troubles are mounting." Further details refer ILAM field card (D3V1)
Artist(s): Subeti Salim Saidi (Leader) |
Composer: Alwattan Musical Club (Performer)Zuhura Fehuzi (Composer) |
1950/07/11 |
Alwattan Music Club, Daressalaam, Drum, East African, Fehuzi,Zuhurai, Guitar, Love song, Maruwas, Nguja, Subeti Salim Saidi, Swahili, Tabla, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Udi, Violin, ILAM |
Love song with one Udi guitar, two violins a Tabla drum and a Maruwas drum. Translated English title - "Troubles are mounting." Further details refer ILAM field card (D3V1)
Artist(s): The Alwattan Musical Club (Performer)Subeti Salim Saidi (Performer) |
Composer: The Alwattan Musical Club (Performer)Subeti Salim Saidi (Performer) |
1950/07/11 |
Alwattan Music Club, Arabic, Clapping sticks, Drum, East African, Guitar, love, Marwas, Nguja, Oud guitar, Song, Subeti Salim Saidi, Swahili, Tabla, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Violin, ILAM |
Love song accompanied by small orchestra. The English title is Troubles are mounting. Refer ILAM field card number D3V1
Artist(s): Ronga men and women (Performer) |
Composer: Pedro Kosa (Performer - guitarist)Solomon Muyanga (Performer - singer) |
1949/05/26 |
Afro-Portuguese music, Dance song, East African, Guitar, Mozambique, Pedro Kosa, Portuguese East Africa, Ronga, Ronga, Solomon Muyanga, Southern African, Town dance, Xinovane, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number: CE-8
Artist(s): Ronga men and women (Performer) |
Composer: Pedro Kosa (Performer - guitarist)Solomon Muyanga (Performer - singer)Composer not specified |
1949/05/26 |
Afro-Portuguese music, Dance song, East African, Guitar, Mozambique, Pedro Kosa, Portuguese East Africa, Ronga, Ronga, Solomon Muyanga, Southern African, Town dance, Xinovane, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number: CE-8
Artist(s): Solomon Muyanga, home made guitar acc. |
Composer: Men and women at XinavaneSolomon Muyanga (guitar)Pedro Kosa (singer)Pedro Kosa (Performer, singer)Shangaan Men and Women |
1949/05/26 |
dance, Guitar, Incomati, Mozambique, Pedro Kosa, Portugese East Africa, Ronga, Shangaan, Solomon Muyanga, Song, Southern African, Town dance, Xinavane, Xinavane, ILAM |
The song is an invitation to the girl, asking her to tell storiesRefer ILAM field card CE8Dance SongSemi-Portuguese StyleFurther details refer ILAM field card (CE8)
Composer: Mambwe, J. (Composer)Mambwe, J. (Performer) |
1949/10/10 |
Bemba, Bulawayo, Conjurer, Entertainment, Guitar, Mambwe,J., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Conjurer entertaining others accompanied by guitar music.Further details refer ILAM field card (C6L3)
Composer: Midian Ncube (Performer)Peta Mandi (Performer) |
1948/05/13 |
Bulawayo, Guitar, Humorous, Indigenous music, Mandi,Peta, Ncube,Midian, Ndebele, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Folk music humorous song with guitar.Further details refer ILAM field card (A2D2)
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