Composer: Boys at MapanzaDaniel Kanomu - bow playerLeonard Munchangari - singer |
1948/05/07 |
bow, Chorus, Daniel Kanoma, kalumba, Leonard Munchangari, love, Mapanza College, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, Tonga, Zambia, ILAM |
Love song with musical bow and kalumbaRefer ILAM field card AX20
Composer: Fulediliki Lweko (Performer) |
1949/08/24 |
bow, Folk music, Fulediliki Lweko, Indigenous music, kalumba, Kaonde, Love song, Luba, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Nostalgic song with Kalumba bow. Further details refer ILAM field card number C4Q13
Composer: Fulediliki Lweko (Performer) |
1949/08/24 |
bow, Folk music, Fulediliki Lweko, Indigenous music, kalumba, Kaonde, Luba, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Nostalgic song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Nostalgic song with Kalumba bow. Translated English title - "I long for my own folk." Further details refer ILAM field card number C4Q13
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