Composer: Ronga man |
1948/03/14 |
Guitar, Instrumental, Marabi, Mpondomise, Ronga, Ronga, Song, South Africa, Southern African, township, ILAM |
Marabi song accompanied by guitarRefer ILAM field card Q3
Composer: Sibanda, George (Composer)Sibanda, George (Performer) George Sibanda |
1949/10/07 |
Bulawayo, Dance music, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Marabi Town Dance for men and womenFurther details refer ILAM field card (C6I6)
Composer: George Sibanda (Composer)George Sibanda (Performer) |
1949/10/07 |
Dance song, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Marabi town dance. Further details refer ILAM Shellac record number: TP0787
Composer: George Sibanda (Composer)George Sibanda (Performer) |
1949/10/07 |
Dance song, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Marabi Town dance. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C6I-6
Artist(s): Lower Gwelo Choir (Performer) |
Composer: Lower Gwelo Choir (Performer) |
1950-00-00 |
dance, Guitar, Lower Gwelo Choir, Marabi, Ndebele, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, town, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM |
Marabi town dance song accompanied by guitar. Refer ILAM field card DG4
Composer: Enoch Luyga (Performer)Timote Chuma (Performer) |
1952/02/19 |
Bulawayo, Chuma,Timothy, Dance music, Jive, Lunga,Enoch, Marabi, Ndebele, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Jive marabi dance music with guitar. Further details refer ILAM field card (F1Z8)
Composer: Composer not specifiedSibanda, G. (Performer)George Sibanda (Performer) |
1950-00-00 |
Dance music, Dance song, Guitar, Manyika, Marabi, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM |
Marabi town dance with guitar. Further details refer ILAM shellac record number TP0539-XYZ4696
Artist(s): Meriki Fumbe (Composer/Performer) |
Composer: Meriki Fumbe (Composer/Performer) |
1950/05/01 |
dance, Guitar, Marabi, men and women, Meriki Fumbe, Ndebele, Nyanja, Popular, singing, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, urban, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM |
Marabi town dance song for men and women, accompanied by the guitar. The English title is Get onto the lorry. Refer ILAM field card DC6
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