Composer: Southern Choir, Roma College |
1951/05/23 |
Basutoland, Concert, imitation, Lesotho, mine, onomatopoeia, Song, Sotho, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, Southern Choir - Roma College, train, ILAM |
Song with imitation of train sound, in which singers ask to be taken to the mines on the train. Refer ILAM field card E1C3
Composer: Bemba men at the Mufulira Mine |
1949/07/28 |
Bemba, Bemba, Concert, girl, mine, Northern Rhodesia, reputation, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Concert song about a girl who went to marry a man on the mines but met with ill-fateRefer ILAM field card C3P12
Composer: Bernard Sachinati |
1949/07/27 |
Chizanda, Chokwe, dancing, Luvale, mine, Northern Rhodesia, Sachinati,Bernard, Song, Southern African, topical, Zambia, ILAM |
Topical mine song also used for the Chizanda danceRefer ILAM field card C3O11
Composer: Bernard Sachinahi Chokwe men at Mufulira Mine |
1949/07/27 |
Chokwe, Chokwe, dance, death, Lament, Luvale, mine, Northern Rhodesia, Sachinati,Bernard, Song, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM |
Mine song or lament for dead comrade. This is also used as a dance songRefer ILAM field card C3O9
Composer: Luchazi dancersSamukonge Chipipa |
1949/07/27 |
Chipipa,Samukonga, dance, Drum, Luchazi, Luchazi, mine, Northern Rhodesia, Sepa, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Sepa dance song performed on the mine, accompanied by 4 drumsRefer ILAM field card C3O6
Composer: S ChipipaMen and women |
1949/07/27 |
Chipipa,Samukonga, conical, dance, Drum, Luchazi, mine, Northern Rhodesia, Sepa, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM |
Sepa dance song for men and women, accompanied by 4 conical drumsRefer ILAM field card C3O1
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