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  1. Artist(s): Maregedze Shuma (Leader) | Composer: Teacher's Training College (Performer)Composer not specified | 1951/06/21 | Folk music, Indigenous music, Mangwende, Nyanja, Shuma,Maregedze, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Story Song, Teachers' Training College, Unaccompanied, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Translated English title - "Samanyemba and the elephant." Further details refer ILAM field card number: E2R 9
  2. Artist(s): Hangaza women (Performer) | Composer: Petro Manyanga (Performer) | 1950/08/01 | East African, Folk music, Hangaza, Hangaza, Indigenous music, Ngala, Petro Manyanga, Rundi, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Topical song, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Topicalsong, unaccompanied. Further details refer ILAM field card (D4R10).
  3. Artist(s): Nyamwezi men and women (Performer) | Composer: Nyamugumi Mihambo (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950/06/28 | Dance song, Daressalaam, East African, Folk music, Hiyari ya moyo dance, Indigenous music, Mihambo,Nyamugumi, Nyamwezi, Nyamwezi, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: D3I 6
  4. Artist(s): Nyamwezi men and women (Performer) | Composer: Nyamugumi Mihabo (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | Dance song, Daressalaam, East African, Folk music, Hiyari ya moyo dance, Indigenous music, Mihambo,Nyamugumi, Nyamwezi, Nyamwezi, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Translated English title - "Excuse me father." Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP1553
  5. Artist(s): Nyamwezi men and women (Performer) | Composer: Nyamugumi Mihambo (Performer) | 1950/06/28 | Dance song, Daressalaam, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Mihambo,Nyamugumi, Nyamwezi, Nyamwezi, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Hiyari ya moyo dance song. Further details refer ILAM fieldcard D3I6.
  6. Artist(s): Nyamwezi men and women (Performer) | Composer: Nyamugumi Mihambo (Performer) | 1950/06/28 | Dance song, Daressalaam, East African, Folk song, Indigenous music, Mihambo,Nyamugumi, Nyamwezi, Nyamwezi, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Hiyari ya moyo dance song for men and women. Further details refer to ILAM field card no. D3I6
  7. Composer: Saini, C. (Performer)Chipwila Saini (Performer) | 1949/08/10 | Chipwila,Saini, Chokwe, Dance song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Luvale, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM | Unaccompanied song for Chiyanda dance with Luvale men and women. Further details refer ILAM field card (C4C15).
  8. Artist(s): Chokwe men and women (Performer) | Composer: Chipwila Saini (Performer)Composer not specified | 1949/08/10 | Chipwila,Saini, Chiyanda, Chokwe, Chokwe, Dance song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Luvale, Northern Rhodesia, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zambia, ILAM | Chipwidi dance music. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C4C-15
  9. Artist(s): Chanteurs a la Croix de Cuivre (Singers of the Copper Cross). | Composer: Joseph Kiwele (Composer) | 1949/07/05 | Belgian Congo, Central African, Chanteurs a la Croix de Cuivre, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Elisabethville, Kiwele,Joseph, Latin, Latin song, Singers of the Copper Cross, Unaccompanied, ILAM | St Jean Mission Choir of young men and boys performing at Mass. Further details refer to ILAM card no. C2S6.
  10. Artist(s): Joseph Kiwele (Conductor) | Composer: Chanteurs a la Croix de Cuivre (Performer)Singers of the Copper Cross (Performer)Joseph Kiwele (Composer) | 1949/07/05 | Belgian Congo, Central African, Chanteurs a la Croix de Cuivre, Choir, Choral music, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Hymn, Kiwele,Joseph, Latin, Mass, Religious music, Republic of the Congo, Singers of the Copper Cross, Unaccompanied, Zaire, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: C2S-6


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