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  1. Composer: Zulu men and women of Church of Nazareth (Shembe) (Performer)Isaiah Shembe (Composer) | 1955/01/24 | Church of Nazareth (Shembe), dance, Dance music, Ekuphakameni, Hymn, Isaiah Shembe, KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, Religious music, Shembe, South Africa, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zulu, Zulu, ILAM | Hymn for dancing, unaccompanied. Hymn number 173. Further details refer ILAM field card (H1C2)
  2. Composer: Isaiah Shembe (Composer)Zulu men and women (Performer) | 1955/01/24 | Dance music, Ekupakhameni, Hymn, Isaiah Shembe, KwaZulu-Natal, Mkonjiwa - Nenu, Natal, Religious music, Shembe, South Africa, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zulu, Zulu, Zululand, ILAM | Hymn for dancing - hymnbook number 173. Further details refer ILAM field card (H1C2)
  3. Composer: Zulu Radio Choir (Performer) | 1943/10/26 | Choir, Choral music, English, Indigenous music, KwaZulu-Natal, Narrative, Natal, Radio show, South Africa, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zulu, Zulu, Zulu Radio Choir, Zululand, ILAM | Radio show. Further details refer ILAM record SABC-HT34B2
  4. Composer: Composer not specifiedZulu Radio Choir (Performer) | 1943/06/29 | Choir, Choral music, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, Song, South Africa, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zulu, Zulu, Zulu Radio Choir, ILAM | Unaccompanied song for a choir from "Nkosiyaphansi and Nkosiyaphezulu." Further details refer ILAM record number AC0006
  5. Artist(s): Joel M. Jere (Leader) | Composer: Ngoni men (Performer) | 1950/05/29 | Dance music, Folk music, Hunting song, Indigenous music, Jere,Joel M., Malawi, Mzimba, Ngoni, Ngoni, Nyasaland, Southern African, Unaccompanied, Zulu, ILAM | Mgubo dance song performed after hunting. Translated English title - "We are after Unjenje, where is he?" Further details refer ILAM field card (D2E2)
  6. Artist(s): Ngoni men (Performer) | Composer: Joel Jere (Leader)Ngoni men (Performer) | 1950/05/29 | East African, Folk music, Jere,Joel M., Malawi, Ngoni, Ngoni, Nyasaland, Unaccompanied, Zulu, ILAM | Mgubo dance song "We are after Unjenje, where is he?". Further details refer to ILAM field card D2E
  7. Composer: Saadani Abdu Kandaro (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Mashairi Song Poetry, Saadani Abdu Kandaro, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Mashairi Song Poem. Further details refer ILAM shellac record number TP1698
  8. Composer: Saadani Abdu Kandoro (Composer/Performer) | 1950/07/18 | East African, Nguja, Poetry song, Saadani Abdu Kandaro, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Sung Poem. Further details refer to ILAM card no D4C18
  9. Artist(s): Sukuma men (Performer) | Composer: Sanyenke Gethula (Performer) | 1950/07/29 | East African, Fighting song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Mwanza, Nyamwezi, Sanyenke Gethula, Sukuma, Sukuma, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Fighting song, unaccompanied. Translated English title - "The lion has spots." Further details refer ILAM field card (D4O3).
  10. Artist(s): Sukuma men (Performer) | Composer: Sanyenke Gethula (Performer)Composer not specified | 1950-00-00 | East African, Fighting song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Mwanza, Nyamwezi, Sanyenke Gethula, Sukuma, Sukuma, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record number: TP1757


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