Artist(s): Minor Seminary Choir Roma (Performer) |
Composer: Minor Seminary Choir Roma (Performer) |
1900-01-00 |
Basutoland, European, Folk song, French, French, Lead voice, Lesotho, Males singing, Minor Seminary Choir, Song, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, Supporting Choir, ILAM |
Male choir singing a French folk song. ILAM field card number is unknown
Composer: Zouma Koumassi (Performer)Amadou (Performer)Ide (Performer)Composer not specified |
1905/05/04 |
Amadou, Drum, France, French, Haoussa, Harp, Ide, Indigenous music, Konko, Nigeria, Vocal, West African, Zouma Koumassi, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1054
Composer: Zouma Koumassi(Performer)Amadou (Performer)Ide (Performer)Composer not specified |
1905/05/04 |
Amadou, Drum, French, Haoussa, Harp, Ide, Indigenous music, Konko, Nigeria, Vocal, West African, Zouma Koumassi, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1054
Artist(s): Chef. du M.R. Siemons (Performer)Musique Militaire du Premier Groupment Force Publique (Performer) |
Composer: T. R. Charlier (Composer) |
1949/07/07 |
Belgian, Belgian Congo, Brass band, Central African Music, Charlier,T.R., Democratic Republic of the Congo, Elizabethville, French, Marching song, Musique Militaire du Premier Groupment Force Publique, Siemons,M.R., ILAM |
Military march music
Artist(s): Madam Colon-Gentil (Singer)John Ouwerx (Performer)Ensemble Lolaka (Performer) |
Composer: Madam Colon-GentilJohn OuwerxEnsemble Lolaka |
1900-01-00 |
Belgian Congo, Central African, Clave rhythm, Congo, dance, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Drum, Ensemble Lolaka, French, Guitar, Indigenous music, Madam Colon-Gentil, Maracas, Ouwerx,John, Popular music, Rhythm sticks, Rumba, Saxophone, Song, Traditional music, Woman singing, ILAM |
Rumba dance song performed by a woman and a band of musicians.
Composer: Boys of the Ecole Centrale (Performer) |
1952/02/04 |
African Ecole Centrale, Belgian Congo, Central African, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, French, Katanga, School song, Unaccompanied, ILAM |
School song, unaccompanied.Further details refer ILAM field card (F1U3)
Composer: Lecuona Cuban Boys (Performer)Grefiche, Makaroff (Composer) |
1900-01-00 |
band, Brass, French, Grefiche - Makaroff, Lecuona Cuban Boys, Orchestra, Percussion, Piano, Popular music, Rumba, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR0785
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