Composer: Snowy Radebe and Company (Performer)Snowy Radebe (Composer) |
1948-00-00 |
Concert song, Dance song, Entertainment song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Johannesburg, Piano, Snowy Radebe, Snowy Radebe and Company, South Africa, Southern African, Strutting Dance Song, Vocal, Zulu, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM record number TP3480-XYZ1956.
Composer: Composer not specifiedSechuana Swing Singers (Performer) |
1905/05/01 |
Bridal song, Chuana, Egoli, Gauteng, Indigenous music, Johannesburg, Piano accompaniment, Sechuana Swing Singers, South Africa, Southern African, Vocal, ILAM |
Further details refer to ILAM recording number: 1613
Composer: Composer not specifiedSechuana Swing Singers (Performer) |
1905/04/29 |
Egoli, Euro-African Ballad, Gauteng, Indigenous music, Johannesburg, Sechuana, Sechuana Swing Singers, South Africa, Southern African, Vocal, ILAM |
Further details refer to ILAM recording number: 1609
Composer: Aron (Jack) Lerole (Performer)Pieter (Performer)Aron Lerole (Composer) |
1967-00-00 |
Dance music, Gauteng, Guitar, Jive, Johannesburg, Lerole,Aron (Jack), Lerole,Pieter, Popular music, Saxophone, South Africa, Southern African, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR0621
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