Artist(s): Kipkemo Arap SitonikKepkoske Arap Chepkwony |
1950/09/15 |
Bowl lyre, Chepkongo bowl lyre, Chepkwony, Kepkoske Arap, East African, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis district, Praise song, Sitonik, Kipkemo Arap, ILAM |
A praise song with Chepkongo 6 string bowl lyre. This lyre is strummed and fingered like the Bangwe zither of Nyasaland. The right hand strums the strings and the left mutes or opens the 6 strings, making it possible to play two or three chords on the open un-muted strings. The singer mentions by name his home village, places of common interest to his friends. The player flips the body of his lyre on the 2nd and 4th beats. In common with several African verse makers, the singer sings in couplets, repeating the second phrase and making it the first line of the next.Details from ILAM field card number: D6L 3
Artist(s): Kepkose Arap Chepkwony |
Composer: Kipkemo Arap Sitonik (Performer and Composer) |
1950/09/15 |
Chepkongo lyre, Chepkwony,Kepkoske Arap, East African, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Sitonik,Kipkemo Arap, Topical song, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card no. D6L4.
Artist(s): Kipsigis men |
Composer: Arap Ng'asura (Composer)Kipsigis men (Performer) |
1952-00-00 |
Drinking song, East African, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Arap, ILAM |
Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR2103.
Artist(s): Kipsigis men |
Composer: Arap Ng'asura (Composer)Kipsigis men (Performer) |
1952-00-00 |
Drinking song, East African, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Ng'asura,Arap, ILAM |
Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR2103.
Artist(s): Kipsigis men (Performer) |
Composer: Kepkoske Arap Chepkwony (Performer)Kepkoske Arap Chepkwony (Composer) |
1950/09/15 |
Chepkongo lyre, Chepkwony,Kepkoske Arap, East African, Indigenous music, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Praise song, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6L-1
Artist(s): Kipsigis men |
Composer: Hat Arap Kotut (Composer)Kipsigis men (Performer) |
1952-00-00 |
East African, Fighting song, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Kotut,Hat Arap, ILAM |
Further details refer to ILAM record number: CR2103.
Artist(s): Kinutit Arap Ngasura |
1950/09/15 |
East African, Indigenous music, Kapkatet, Kenya, Kericho, Kibugandet lyre, Kipsigis, Kipsigis district, Ngasura, Kinutit Arap, Praise song, ILAM |
A praise song with Kibugandet 5 string wish bone lyre, resonated on a parafin tin. The solo singer, singing in falsetto, praises his country and many of its desirable places. He mentions, among others, the Administrative centre at Kericho, some 25 miles away, which he says is 'full of words', referring to the information service supplied to the country by the office of the District Commissioner. This wishbone shaped frame lyre is help onto the top of an empty 4 gallon parafin tin. At the end of his song the lyre slipped off its resonator.Details from ILAM field card number: D6L 4
Artist(s): Kipsigis girls |
Composer: Chemutoi Ketienya (Performer and Composer) |
1950/09/15 |
East African, Humorous, Kenya, Kericho, Ketienya,Chemutoi, Kipsigis, Kipsigis, Lyre, Song, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card no. D6L22a.
Artist(s): Cheriro Arap Korogorem |
Composer: Bekyibei Arap Mosonik (Performer) |
1950/09/15 |
Chepkongo lyre, East African, Folk music, Indigenous music, Kenya, Kericho, Kipsigis, Korogorem,Cheriro Arap, Mosonik,Bekyibei Arap, Praise song, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card no. D6L6.
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