Portuguese East Africa

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  1. Composer: Ngodo of BanguzaKomukomu and four other players | 1949/06/06 | Chopi, dance, Komukomu, Mozambique, Ngodo waBanguza, orchestral, Portuguese East Africa, preliminary, Southern African, tune, ILAM | Orchestral dance played by the leader as a preliminary to the same tune for a danceRefer ILAM field card CP4
  2. Composer: Ngodo waBanguza (Performer)Komukomu waSimbi (Leader)Composer not specified | 1952-00-00 | Chopi, East African, Komukomu waSimbi, Mozambique, Ngodo, Ngodo waBanguza, orchestral dance, Portuguese East Africa, Tambila, Xylophone, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number CR1305.
  3. Composer: Ngodo waBanguza (Performer)Komukomu waSimbi (Leader)Composer not specified | 1952-00-00 | Chopi, East African, Komukomu waSimbi, Mozambique, Ngodo, Ngodo waBanguza, orchestral dance, Portuguese East Africa, Tambila, Xylophone, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM record number CR1305.
  4. Composer: Th. Limeme | 1949/06/07 | Chopi, dance, Guitar, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Song, Southern African, Th. Limeme, ILAM | Town dance song with guitar accompanimentRefer ILAM field card CQ5
  5. Composer: Chopi women (Performer)Nyapulwane wa Chitokiso (Composer) | 1949/06/02 | Chopi, Chopi, East African, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Nyapulwane wa Chitokiso, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Sul do Save, Unaccompanied, Work Song, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card number: CL-5
  6. Artist(s): Tavara Men (Performer) | Composer: Piloli Lyampilu (Performer) | 1949/09/21 | Drum, Folk song, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Piloli Lyampilu, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Tavara, Tavara, Tete, ILAM | Drumming Song. Further details refer ILAM card no C5S5
  7. 1954/12/12 | East African, Indigenous music, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Radio Club, Vocal, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM library number: A10.
  8. Composer: Chopi Ngodo (Performer)Sajoni (Performer/Leader) | 1948/03/07 | Chopi, Chopi Ngodo, Dance song, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Sajoni, Southern African, ILAM | High-kicking dance of the Chopi Ngodo
  9. Composer: Chopi people (Performer)Fomeni Faduko (Composer) | 1949/06/04 | Chopi, Chopi, Dance song, East African, Faduko,Fomeni, Indigenous music, Marimba, Mozambique, Orchestra, orchestral dance, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Timbila, Xylophone, ILAM | Orchestral dance song with Timbila xylophones. Further details refer ILAM c number: CN-3
  10. Artist(s): Pondekane (Leader) | Composer: Chopi people (Performer)Katini (Composer) | 1949/06/08 | Chopi, Chopi, Dance song, East African, Indigenous music, Katini, Mozambique, orchestral dance, Pondekane, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, ILAM | Orchestral dance song with Timbila xylophones. Further details refer ILAM field card number: CR-10


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