Composer: Raimon Jeketi (Performer) |
1951/06/28 |
bow, Chizambi, Folk song, friction bow, Indigenous music, Karanga, Raimon Jeketi, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Song with Chizambi friction bow. Further details refer ILAM field card number E2Y2
Composer: Hodzi Katsukunya (Performer and Composer) |
1948/04/26 |
Budya, Chorus, Hodzi Katsukunya, Humorous, Madebe, Mtoko, Rattle, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Humorous song with chorus and madebe and rattle accompanimentFurther details refer ILAM field card (AM15)
Artist(s): Zezuru boys (Performer) |
Composer: Mampa, A.S. (Performer) |
1949/10/04 |
Euro-African Music, Institutional song, Mampa,A.S., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Unaccompanied, Zezuru, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Euro-African institutional stitutional song, unaccompanied. Further details refer ILAM field card (C6F1)
Artist(s): Mampa, A.S. (Leader) |
Composer: Belmore, G. (Composer)Domboshowa School boys (Performer) |
1949/10/04 |
Belmore,G., Domboshowa School, Euro-African Music, Institutional song, Mampa,A.S., School song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Unaccompanied, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM Shellac record number: TP0752
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