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  1. Composer: City Slickers (Performer)Composer not specified | 1905/05/13 | City Slickers, Clarinet, Guitar, Popular music, Saxophone, Shona, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Vocal, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1019
  2. Composer: Dick Ncube (Performer)Samson Ncube (Performer)Enoch Chuma (Performer) | 1951/06/05 | Bulawayo, Chuma,Enoch, Concert song, Essexvale, Guitar, Ncube,Dick, Ncube,Samson, Ndebele, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Violin, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Concert song with guitar and violin. Composer unspecified. Translated English title - "The sweets are finished." Further details refer ILAM card (E2B19)
  3. Composer: Chuma, T. (Performer)Timoti Chuma (Performer) | 1951/06/07 | Chuma,Timothy, Guitar, Ndebele, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Topical song with guitar. Translated English title - "What is wrong my beautiful?" Further details refer ILAM field card (E2D5)
  4. Composer: Paseli Brothers (Performer) | 1948/04/30 | banjo, Concert song, English, Guitar, Nyanja, Party song, Paseli Brothers, Salisbury, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Concert party song with guitar and banjo accompaniment.Further details refer ILAM field card (AQ7)
  5. Composer: Josiah Nkomo (Performer) | 1951/06/04 | Josiah Nkomo, Ndebele, Nkomo,J., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Zimbabwe, Zulu, ILAM | Topical song with guitar. Further details refer ILAM field card no. E2A4
  6. Composer: Sibanda, George (Composer)Sibanda, George (Performer) George Sibanda | 1949/10/07 | Bulawayo, Dance music, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Marabi Town Dance for men and womenFurther details refer ILAM field card (C6I6)
  7. Composer: George Sibanda (Composer)George Sibanda (Performer) | 1949/10/07 | Dance song, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Marabi town dance. Further details refer ILAM Shellac record number: TP0787
  8. Composer: George Sibanda (Composer)George Sibanda (Performer) | 1949/10/07 | Dance song, Guitar, Marabi, Ndebele, Sibanda, George, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Marabi Town dance. Further information refer ILAM field card number: C6I-6
  9. Composer: Mosquito Chorus (Performer) | 1948/04/22 | Chorus, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Umtali, Wemba, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Folk Song
  10. Composer: Babo Hloka (Performer) | 1952/02/20 | Bulawayo, Guitar, Hloka,Bobo, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Xhosa, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card no. F2A7.


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