The browser contains 10 records per page. Use the pager at the bottom of the page to navigate to additional pages
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  1. Composer: The Zulu Minstrel | 0000-00-00 | UKZN, Zulu Minstrel | Recorded from 78 RPM record
  2. Composer: Manhattan BrothersA Silinga (Composer) | 0000-00-00 | Manhattan Brothers, Silinga,A., South Africa, Ballantine | Made In South Africa (By Gallo Africa LTD)
  3. Composer: Peter Candelstick Kogori's Quartette | 0000-00-00 | Kogori,Peter Candelstick, Peter Candelstick Kogori's Quartette, Rolong, Ballantine | Rolong
  4. Composer: Reggie Msomi And His USA SoundR Msomi (Composer) | 0000-00-00 | Instrumental, Jive, Msomi,Reggie, Rhodesia, USA Sound, Zimbabwe, Ballantine | Made In RhodesiaJive (Instrumental)
  5. Artist(s): Abonwabisi Party | Composer: Bekwa, Elianor | 0000-00-00 | Abonwabisi Party, Bekwa,Elianor, UKZN | Recorded from 78 RPM record
  6. Composer: St Cyprian's Choir | 0000-00-00 | Johannesburg, St Cyprian's Choir, UKZN | Recorded from 78 RPM record
  7. Composer: N D HotshotsR Msomi (Composer) | 0000-00-00 | Jive, Msomi,Reggie, N D Hotshots, Ballantine | Jive
  8. Composer: Meriam Makeba with The Chad Mitchell TrioM Makeba (Composer) | 0000-00-00 | America, Chad Mitchell Trio, Makeba,Miriam, Mitchell,Chad, Ballantine | United States of America (Recorded)
  9. Composer: Mashiyane and Msomi Double FiveR. Msomi (Arranged)H. Mathaba (Arranged) | 0000-00-00 | Double Five, Instrumental, Jive, Mashiyane, Spokes, Mathaba,H., Msomi,Reggie, Ballantine | Instrumental Jive
  10. Composer: Sonny's Jazz Revellers | 0000-00-00 | Jazz Revellers, Polka, Sonny, Ballantine


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