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  1. Artist(s): Yao women | Composer: Ambichechezi Mabele (Performer) | Folk music, Mabele,Ambichechezi, Malawi, Nyasaland, Salima, Southern African, Yao, Yao, ILAM | Dance song for Ci-Oda dance for women
  2. Composer: Mesiyasi ChuluOsiteni Phula | Chewa, drinking, Malawi, Mbira, Mesiyasi Chulu, Nyasaland, Ositeni Phula, Sansi, Song, Southern African, ILAM | Drinking songs accompanied by 8 Sansi mbira. Refer ILAM field card C5R3
  3. Composer: Ositeni PhulaMesiyasi Chulu | Chewa, Malawi, Mesiyasi Chulu, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Ositeni Phula, Pangwe, Song, Southern African, story, Zither, ILAM | Story song accompanied by Pangwe zither. Refer ILAM field card C5C4
  4. Composer: Ositeni PhulaMesiyasi Chulu | Chewa, Malawi, Mesiyasi Chulu, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Ositeni Phula, Pangwe, Song, Southern African, story, Zither, ILAM | Story song accompanied by Pangwe zither. Refer ILAM field card C5C5
  5. Composer: Ositeni PhulaMesiyasi Chulu | board, Chewa, Malawi, Mesiyasi Chulu, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Ositeni Phula, Pangwe, Song, Southern African, story, Zither, ILAM | Story song accompanied by board zither. Refer ILAM field card C5C6
  6. Composer: Gidioni Kachitenji | board, Chewa, disappointment, friends, Gidioni Kachitenji, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Song, Southern African, topical, Zither, ILAM | Topical song dealing with disappointment in friends. The song is accompanied by the Pangwe board zither. Refer ILAM field card C5B7
  7. Composer: Jemitala Kadula | board, Chewa, delectative, Jemitala Kadula, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Song, Southern African, Zither, ILAM | Self-delectative song accompanied by Pangwe board zither. Refer ILAM field card C5B8
  8. Composer: Saidi, B. (Composer/Performer)Bisiwasi Saidi (Composer/Performer) | Bangwe, Lament, Malawi, Ncheu, Ngoni, Nyasaland, Saidi,Bisiwasi, Southern African, Zither, Zulu, ILAM | Personal lament with Bangwe zither. Further details refer ILAM field card (C5J10)
  9. Artist(s): Hugh Tracey (Narrator) | Composer: Kagumo Government African School Boys (Performer) | East African, English, Funeral Song, Indigenous culture, Indigenous music, Kagumo Government African School, Kenya, Narrative, Ngiriama, Radio show, Tracey, Hugh, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Ngiriama funeral song. Further details refer ILAM record HT39
