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  1. Artist(s): The Boogie Woogie Songsters | Composer: Rusiki, A. B. C. (Performer/Lead) | Boogie Woogie Songsters, Bulawayo, Guitar, Ndebele, Rusiki,A.B.C., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Tsaba Tsaba song, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card no. E2B14.
  2. Artist(s): The Boogie Woogie Songsters | Composer: Rusiki, A. B. C. (Performer/Lead) | Boogie Woogie Songsters, Bulawayo, Concert song, Guitar, Ndebele, Part song, Rusiki,A.B.C., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Translated English title - "My father". Further details refer ILAM field card no. E2B15.
  3. Artist(s): Hugh Tracey (Narrator/Presenter) | Basutoland, Basutoland, English, Indigenous music, Lesotho, Lesotho, Sotho, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, Tracey, Hugh, ILAM | Sotho music. Further details refer ILAM field record SABC-HT27
  4. Composer: Muchaenda SigaukeNdau men | Chiturirano, circle, Clapping, country, dance, Muchaenda Sigauke, Ndau, Ndau, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Chiturirano country dance song with complex rhythms. Is is usually performed in a hut with participants sitting in a circle. Refer ILAM field card E2P10
  5. Composer: Muchaenda SigaukeNdau men | Clapping, dance, drinking, monkey, Muchaenda Sigauke, Ndau, Ndau, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Stamping, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Drinking song to accompany dance, with clapping and stamping. Refer ILAM field card E2P12
  6. Composer: Muchaenda SigaukeNdau men | Clapping, Muchaenda Sigauke, Ndau, Ndau, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, threshing, Yodelling, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Threshing song with clapping, which often has yodelling as well. Refer ILAM field card E2P11
  7. Composer: James Gwezhe Soko | hunting, James Gwezhe Soko, lions, luck, Mbira, self-delectative, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Song about having luck in hunting lions, accompanied by mbira. Refer ILAM field card E2P9
  8. Composer: Holy Name Mission Church Choir | Christian, Holy Name Mission Church Choir, Hymn, Manyika, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Christian hymn with semitones. Refer ILAM field card E2P7
  9. Composer: James Gwezhe Soko | Huru, James Gwezhe Soko, Mbira, party, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Zezuru, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Party song accompanied by Huru mbira. Refer ILAM field card E2P8
  10. Composer: Mukomondera Moyo | dance, drinking, Karanga, Moyo,Mukomondera, Shona, Song, Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, tune, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Dance song performed when drinking. Refer ILAM field card E2X4a
