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  1. Artist(s): Kaunda, W. (Leader)Wedson Kaunda (Leader) | Composer: Ngoni men and women (Performer) | Henga, Hymn, Kaunda,Wedson, Malawi, Mzimba, Ngoni, Nyasaland, Religious music, Southern African, Tumbuka, ILAM | Hymn number 137. Further details refer ILAM field card (D2G3)
  2. Composer: Chewa men and a Chewa woman (Performer) | Chewa, Chewa, Clapping, Dowa Boma, Entertainment song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Southern African, ILAM | Entertainment song with Chewe men and one woman with clapping. Translated English title - "At this very spot there used to be a hut." Further details refer ILAM field card (C5A9).
  3. Composer: Makwinya, N. (Performer)Nalundo Makwinya (Performer) | Bangwe, Board zither, Folk music, Humorous, Indigenous music, Makwinya,Nalundo, Malawi, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Salima, Song, Southern African, Yao, Zither, ILAM | Humorous song with Bangwe mkulu. Further details refer ILAM field card (C5B1).
  4. Composer: Makwinya, N. (Performer)Nalundo Makwinya (Performer) | Bangwe, Board zither, Folk music, Humorous, Indigenous music, Makwinya,Nalundo, Malawi, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Salima, Song, Southern African, Yao, Zither, ILAM | Humorous song with Bangwe mkulu. Translated English title - "I find the war is over." Further details refer ILAM field card (C5B1).
  5. Composer: Makwinya, N. (Performer)Nalundo Makwinya (Performer) | Bangwe, Board zither, Folk music, Indigenous music, Makwinya,Nalundo, Malawi, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Salima, Southern African, Zither, ILAM | Dance song for Masewela dance for men and women with Bangwe (Zither). Translated English title - "God should hate me, not my friend." Further details refer ILAM field card (C5B2)
  6. Composer: Matandiko, W (Performer)Wilisoni Matandiko (Performer) | Bangwe, Board zither, Chewa, Folk music, Indigenous music, Malawi, Matandiko,Wilison, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Salima, Topical song, ILAM | Topical song with Bangwe (board zither). English translated title - "He sleeps behind". Further details refer ILAM field card (C5B3).
  7. Artist(s): Shaibu (Leader)Shikel (Leader) | Composer: Wingisihuja Club (Performer) | Arabic, East African, Flute, Guitar, Kenya, Malindi, Shaibu, Shikel, Udi, Violin, Wingisihuja Club, Yelel, ILAM | Further details refer ILAM field card no. D7N16.
  8. Composer: Matandiko, W (Performer)Wilisoni Matandiko (Performer) | Bangwe, Board zither, Chewa, Folk music, Indigenous music, Malawi, Matandiko,Wilison, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Pangwe, Salima, Southern African, Topical song, ILAM | Topical song with Bangwe (board zither). English translated title - "Take her over to the next village yourself". Further details refer ILAM field card (C5B3).
  9. Composer: Matandiko, W (Performer)Wilison Matandiko (Performer) | Bangwe, Board zither, Chewa, Entertainment song, Folk music, Indigenous music, Malawi, Matandiko,Wilison, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Salima, Self-delectative song, Southern African, Zither, ILAM | Self delectative song with Bangwe (board zither). Translated English title - "I laugh to myself. Ha ha." Further details refer ILAM field card (C5B4).
