Composer: Silifa Mutale KoniAndula ChandaBemba women and men at Mindolo Compound |
1949/08/08 |
Bemba, Bemba, Chanda,Andula, Chilimba, dancing, drinking, Koni,Silifa Mutale, Mbira, men, Mindolo Compound, Mupukumo, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM |
Drinking song for the Mupukumo dance, accompanied by the Chilimba mbira. Refer ILAM field card C4A16
Composer: Simon Ng'omaKunda men and women at Roan Antelope Mine |
1949/08/11 |
dance, Drum, Kunda, Kunda, men, Mulaundo, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Roan Antelope Mine, Simon Ng'oma, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM |
Mulaundo dance song for men and women, accompanied by 1 double headed bass drum, 1 conical drum, and 1 small bass drum. Refer ILAM field card C4D7
Composer: Waddy Kajawa ChirwaTumbuka Henga men at Roan Antelope Mine |
1949/08/11 |
Chirwa,Waddy Kajawa, dance, Drum, Henga, Henga, Malipenga, men, Muwuso, Northern Rhodesia, Roan Antelope Mine, Song, Southern African, Tumbuka, Tumbuka, Zambia, ILAM |
Muwuso song for the Malipenga dance for men, accompanied by 2 mestal bass drums. Refer ILAM field card C4D4
Composer: Yunisi NamabezhiIla men and women at Roan Antelope Mine |
1949/08/11 |
Chingande, dance, Drum, Ila, Ila, men, Namabezi,Yunisi, Northern Rhodesia, Roan Antelope Mine, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM |
Chingande dance song for men and women, accompanied by a conical, pegged, open drum. Refer ILAM field card C4D5
Composer: Silifa Mutale KoniAndula ChandaBemba women and men at Mindolo Compound |
1949/08/08 |
Bemba, Bemba, Chanda,Andula, Chilimba, dancing, drinking, Koni,Silifa Mutale, Mbira, men, Mindolo Compound, Mupukumo, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM |
Drinking song for the Mupukumo dance, accompanied by the Chilimba mbira. Refer ILAM field card C4A17
Composer: Chadi ObuyiGiryama men |
1950/10/13 |
Chadi Obuyi, Conical Drum, dance, East African, Giriyama, Giryama, goblet Drum, Gonda, Kenya, Mabumbumbu cylindrical Drum, men, Nika, Song, women, ILAM |
Gonda dance song for men and women accompanied by 4 Mabumbumbu cylindrical drums, 1 Mushondo conical drum, 1 Kaamuri goblet drumRefer ILAM field card D7N10
Artist(s): Absolom Abunda (Performer)Luo men (Performer) |
Composer: Absolom Abunda (Performer)Luo men (Performer) |
1950/09/13 |
Abunda,Absolom, Bunde Drum, dance, Dholuo, double, East African, Five bass Drum, Gara leg bells, Kenya, laced, Luo, men, Song, traditional, ILAM |
Dance song for men accompanied by double laced drums, bells and Bunde drums. Refer ILAM field card D6J5
Artist(s): Luo men (Performer) |
Composer: Abisolom AbunduLuo men |
1950/09/13 |
Abunda,Absolom, bells, Bul, dance, Dho, Drum, East African, Gara, Kenya, Leg bells, Luo, Luo, men, Nyanza, Song, ILAM |
Bul dance song for men, accompanied by 5 bass drums, laced and double, and, Gara leg bells. Refer ILAM field card D6J5
Composer: Rashda Ahmed Nyamwezi women |
1950/07/18 |
dance, East African, Kumba, Luba, men, Nyamwezi women, Rashda Ahmed, Song, Songa, Tanganyika, Tanzania, women, ILAM |
Kumba dance song for men and womenRefer ILAM field card D4C9
Composer: Asumani bini Sumaili |
1950/06/14 |
Asumani Bini Sumaili, dance, East African, men, Nguja, Song, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, women, ILAM |
Dance song for men and women accompanied by the 7 stringed Pango board zitherRefer ILAM field card D2U11
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