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  1. Composer: Luunda men and women | 1949/07/19 | Central African, dance, goblet Drum, Luunda, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, slit Drum, Song, Wakubasha, Zambia, ILAM | Dance song for Wakubasha dance, accompanied by 3 drums, 2 slit drums and 1 goblet drumRefer ILAM field card C3G3
  2. Composer: Bemba women | 1949/07/16 | Bemba, Bemba, Central African, dance, Drum, goblet, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Zambia, ILAM | Dance song with goblet drumsRefer ILAM field card C3D4
  3. Composer: Eliasi MukengeMbuye AndileLuba men | 1949/08/03 | Bisa, dance, girls, initiation, Kalimba, Luba, Mazia, Mbira, Mbuye,Andile, Mukenge,Eliasi, Northern Rhodesia, Song, Southern African, Zambia, ILAM | Mazia dance song of divination and the initiation of girls, accompanied by Kalimba mbira. Refer ILAM field card C3V11
  4. Composer: Shangaan women | 1949/04/25 | Clapping, dance, Shangaan, Shangaan, Song, South Africa, Southern African, ILAM | Women's song with clapping. A good example of women singing at increasingly sharper tones Refer ILAM field card CH3
  5. Composer: Dabi NjovuKunda men, women and girls at Broken Hill Mine | 1949/08/16 | Broken Hill Mine, Dabi Njovu, dance, Drum, Kunda, Kunda, Malaundo, men, Northern Rhodesia, Nsenga, Song, Southern African, women, Zambia, ILAM | Mulaundo dance song for men and women, accompanied by 1 cylindrical drum and 2 conical drums. Refer ILAM field card C4I4
  6. Artist(s): Elim Hospital Native Choir (Performer) | Composer: Elim Hospital Native Choir | 1900-01-00 | Choir, Concert, dance, Elim Hospital Native Choir, Euro-African, Indigenous music, Marabi style, Marhavi (Marabi?), Popular music, Shangaan, South Africa, Southern African, Traditional music, ILAM | Concert song with a European influence. The piece is identified as a Marhavi dance
  7. Composer: Tatu Binti AliNyamwezi men and women | 1950/06/28 | Ali,Tatu Binti, dance, East African, marry, men, Nyamwezi, Nyamwezi, Song, Tanganyika, Tanzania, women, ILAM | Hiyari ya moyo dance song for men and womenRefer ILAM field card D3I4
  8. Artist(s): Jaseni Limbani (Composer/Performer)Dikisoni Mwambesa (Composer/Performer) | Composer: Jaseni Limbani (Composer/Performer)Dikisoni Mwambesa (Composer/Performer) | 1950-00-00 | dance, Dikinsoni Malembesa, hunting, Jasoni Limbane, Machipo, Malawi, men, Nyanja, Nyasaland, Popular, Song, Southern African, Unaccompanied, ILAM | Machipo dance song performed by men after hunting. It is unaccompanied. ILAM field card number is unknown
  9. Composer: Tsindo Shoko | 1948/04/20 | dance, Drum, Duma, Instrumental, Karanga, kwaita, Ngoma, Southern African, Tsindo Shoko, Zimbabwe, ILAM | Dance tune for kwaita dance, accompanied by drumming on NgomaRefer ILAM field card AG14
  10. Artist(s): Rabisoni Nangwale (Composer/Performer)Jere Chikonda (Performer) | Composer: Rabisoni Nangwale (Composer/Performer)Jere Chikonda (Performer) | 1950/05/14 | banjo, Chikomba,Jere, Chikombo, dance, Guitar, Malawi, Nangwale,Robison, Nyanja, Nyasaland, singing, Southern African, town, ILAM | Chikombo town dance for men and women, with singing, and accompanied by guitar and banjo. Refer ILAM field card DP8


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