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  1. Composer: Shabani Abdalla NjujaDar es Salaam Jazz Band | 1950/06/22 | dance, Dar-es-Salaam Jazz Band, East African, Instrumental, Jazz, Mwankewa,Shabani Abdallah, Nguja, Rumba, singing, Swahili, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Western instruments, ILAM | Swahili rumba dance performed by Dar es Salaam Jazz BandRefer ILAM field card D3D3
  2. Composer: Rashda Ahmed Nyamwezi women | 1950/07/18 | dance, East African, Kumba, Luba, men, Nyamwezi women, Rashda Ahmed, Song, Songa, Tanganyika, Tanzania, women, ILAM | Kumba dance song for men and womenRefer ILAM field card D4C9
  3. Artist(s): Group Manjacaziana (Performer)Leader Moises Ribeiro Manjati (Composer/Performer) | Composer: Group Manjacaziana (Performer)Leader Moises Ribeiro Manjati (Composer/Performer) | 1950/11/01 | dance, Drum, Group Manjacaziana, Guitar, Mandoline, Manjati,Moises Ribeiro, Mozambique, Popular, Portuguese, Portuguese East Africa, Samba, Southern African, urban, ILAM | Samba dance performed on mandoline and guitars, with shakers in the background. The English title is The Chopi. Refer ILAM field card number D8H5
  4. Artist(s): Randolph Simmons (Leader)The Casablanca Steel Orchestra (Performer) | Composer: Randolph SimmonsThe Casablanca Steel Orchestra | 1900-01-00 | Calypso, Caribbean, Clarinet, Creole, dance, Guitar, Popular music, Randolph Simmons, Repetitive melodic fragments, Saxophone, Song, Steel pans, The Casablanca Steel Orchestra, Traditional music, Trinidad, trumpet, ILAM | Calypso dance song performed on various instruments. The voices sing repetitive chorus lines rather than long melody. Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1000
  5. Composer: Young men from Zavala | 1949/05/23 | Chopi, dance, ensemble, Flute, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Southern African, Zavala, ILAM | This is a dance accompanied by playing on Chimveka pipesRefer ILAM field card CA5
  6. Artist(s): Asumani bini Sumaili (Composer/Performer) | Composer: Asumani bini Sumaili (Composer/Performer) | 1950-00-00 | Asumani Bini Sumaili, dance, East African, Male singing, men and women, Nyakyusa, Pango board zither, Popular, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, town, ILAM | Town dance performed by a man who is accompanied by the pango board zither. ILAM field card number is unknown
  7. Composer: Nshila yanKonde at MwansabombweChief Kazembe | 1949/07/21 | chief, Chief Kazembe, Chinkwaza dance, Chitala xylophone, dance, Drum, inauguration, Luunda, Northern Rhodesia, Nshila yanKonde at Mwansabombwe, Southern African, tune, Zambia, ILAM | Chinkwaza dance tune to accompany the inauguration of a new chief. It is accompanied by drums and xylophone Refer ILAM field card C3I1
  8. Artist(s): Pembe Selemani (Leader) | Composer: Zaramo men (Performer) | 1950/06/24 | dance, Daressalaam, East African, ensemble, Friction sticks, Pembe Selemani, Pipe, Rattle, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Zaramo, Zaramo, ILAM | Dance for young men, performed in a circle, and played on pipes, friction sticks, and tin rattle. Refer ILAM field card D3E4
  9. Artist(s): Zaramo young men (Performer)Pembe Selemani (Performer) | Composer: Zaramo young men (Performer)Pembe Selemani (Performer) | 1950/06/24 | dance, East African, Friction sticks, Pembe Selemani, Pipes, Tanganyika, Tanzania, Tin rattles, Viyanzi vertical flute, Zaramo, Zaramo, ILAM | Pipe dance with various wind instruments accompanied by rattles and friction sticks. Refer ILAM field card number D3E4
  10. Composer: Asumani bini Sumaili | 1950/06/14 | Asumani Bini Sumaili, dance, East African, men, Nguja, Song, Swahili, Tanganyika, Tanzania, women, ILAM | Dance song for men and women accompanied by the 7 stringed Pango board zitherRefer ILAM field card D2U11


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