Topical song
Composer: Josiah Nkomo (Composer/Performer)Nkomo, J. (Composer/Performer) |
1952/02/19 |
Bulawayo, Guitar, Josiah Nkomo, Ndebele, Nkomo,J., Southern African, Southern Rhodesia, Topical song, Town dance, Zimbabwe, ILAM |
Topical song with guitar. Further details refer ILAM field card (F1Z7)
Composer: The Basuto Choir (Performer)Composer not specified |
1900-01-00 |
Basuto Choir, Basutoland, Choir, Choral music, Lesotho, Lithoko type, Sotho, South Africa, South Sotho, Southern African, Topical song, Unaccompanied, Vocal, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR0800
Composer: Shonongo, J. (Performer) |
1949/07/31 |
Bisa, Kalimba, Kankobele, Mufulira, Northern Rhodesia, Shonongo,J., Southern African, Topical song, Zambia, ILAM |
Two topical songs with Kalimba and Kankobele accompaniment. Further details refer ILAM field card (C3S2).
Artist(s): Sotho singers (Performer) |
Composer: Composer not specifiedBeatrice Mbanjwa (Performer) |
1948-00-00 |
Basutoland, Indigenous music, Lesotho, Mbanjwa,Beatrice, Sotho, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, Topical song, Unaccompanied, ILAM |
Unaccompanied topical song. Further details refer ILAM record TP0033-ABC305
Artist(s): Bukusu men (Performer) |
Composer: Waliaula, W. (Composer/Performer)Wasiole Waliaula (Composer/Performer) |
1950/09/11 |
Bukusu, Bukusu, East African, Iron, Kenya, Lute, Luya, Nyanza, Topical song, Waliaula,Maunda, ILAM |
Topical song with Sihilili lute and piece of iron. Further details refer ILAM field card (D6H8)
Artist(s): Bukusu men (Performer) |
Composer: Wasiole Waliula (Performer)Wasiole Waliula (Composer) |
1950/09/11 |
Bukusu, Bukusu, East African, Indigenous music, Iron, Kenya, Luyia, Nyanza, Sihilili lute, Topical song, Wasiole Waliula, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card number: D6H-8
Composer: Bisha ya Lokele (Performer)Kisangani (Performer)Composer not specified |
1905/05/18 |
Bisha ya Lokele, Central African, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Drum, Indigenous music, Kele, Kisangani, Topical song, Vocal, ILAM |
Calypso dance song performed on various instruments. The voices sing repetitive chorus lines rather than long melody. Further details refer ILAM shellac record (commercial recordings) number: CR1087
Composer: Ntsasa's Choir (Performer)Composer not specified |
1948-00-00 |
Basutoland, Choral music, Indigenous music, Lesotho, Ntsasa's Choir, Sotho, South Sotho, Southern African, Topical song, Unaccompanied, ILAM |
Topical song. Further details refer ILAM record TP0092-ABC986
Composer: Feliciano Gomes (Lead Performer/Composer)Gremio Civil Chaimite (Performer) |
1950/11/01 |
East African, Gomez,Feliciano Muntano, Gremio Civil Chaimite, Guitar, Lourenco Marques, Makwakwa, Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, Topical song, Tswa, ILAM |
Further details refer ILAM field card no. D8G2.
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