Artist(s): Lloyd Ross (8 Track Off PA Feed),Roger Bashew (Bass),Izzy Fataar (Guitar),Ian Herman (Drums),Gerry Selendis (Keyboards),Marc Ginsberg (Saxophone) |
Composer: Stan James With Roger Lucey's Band |
0000-00-00 |
Bashew, Roger, Fataar, Izzy, Ginsberg, Mark, Herman, Ian, James, Stan, Lucey, Roger, Ross, Lloyd, Selendis, Gerry, HYMAP
Artist(s): David Marks (PA Mix to ReVox), Dennis Willman (Pianist), Terry Lester (Artist), Joe Parker (Artist), Hal Orlandini (Artist), Mel Miller (Artist), Cy Sacks (Artist), Paul Andrew |
Composer: Ian Lawrence |
0000-00-00 |
Andrew, Paul, Lawrence, Ian, Lester, Terry, Marks, David, Miller, Mel, Orlandini, Hal, Parker, Joe, Sacks, Cy, Willman, Dennis, HYMAP
0000-00-00 |
Poetry, Poetry, Brauninger |
English translation meaning (the Mines)"it relates to the experiences that people who works in the mines, underground or on the surface"
Artist(s): Brendan Jury (Violin), Dan Chiorboli (Percussion), Kendall Kay (Percussion , Toms), Mathew Fink (Recorder) |
Composer: Roger Lucey (Vocalist) |
0000-00-00 |
Awesome Africa May 2000, Chiorboli, Dan, Fink, Mathew, Jury, Brendan, Kay, Kendall, Lucey, Roger, HYMAP
Artist(s): Lloyd Ross (Recorder)Roger Blundell (Electric Guitar)Ian Herman (Drums)Lloyd Ross (Keyboards, Bass) |
Composer: Roger Lucey (Acoustic Guitar, Vocalist) |
0000-00-00 |
Blundell, Roger, Herman, Ian, Lucey, Roger, Ross, Lloyd, HYMAP
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